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Proverbs 17

[28] Even a fool who is silent wise is thought; he who shuts his lips as understanding.

Better (is) a piece of bread dry and quietness with it, than a house full of sacrifices (with) strife. A servant who acts prudently shall rule over a son who causes shame; and among the brother he shall share the inheritance. The crucible for silver, and the furnace for gold; but tries the hearts Jehovah. An evil doer heeds lips false; a liar listens to a tongue of (evil) desire. He who mocks the poor reviles his maker; he who rejoices at calamity not shall be acquitted the crown of old men (is) Sons of sons and the glory of sons their fathers. not is fitting for a fool A lip of excess much less for a noble lips of lying. A stone of grace (is) the bribe in the eyes of its owner, to every where he turns he is prudent He who covers transgression seeks love, but one repeating a matter separates friends. goes down A rebuke into an astute one more than blows (into) a fool a hundred only A rebel seeks evil; so a messenger cruel is sent against him. Let meet a bear bereaved (of cubs) a man, and not a fool in his foolishness. he who returns evil instead of good, not shall depart evil from his house. (like) the releasing of water The beginning of strife (is); so before it breaks out, striving forsake. He who justifies the wicked, and condemns the just (are) hateful to Jehovah, even both of them. Why (is) this hire in the hand of a fool to obtain wisdom and a heart there is not? At every time loves the friend; and a brother for trouble is born. A man lacking heart strikes the palm; he pledges a pledge before his friend. He who loves transgression loves strife; he who exalts his door seeks shattering, one of crocked heart not finds good; and one perverse in his tongue falls into evil. He who fathers a fool (falls) into grief for it; and not will rejoice the father of a fool. A heart joyful makes good healing; but a spirit stricken dries the bone. a bribe out of the bosom the wicked takes; to stretch the paths of justice. With the face of the wise (is) wisdom; but the eyes of a fool (are) in the ends of the earth. (is) a vexation to his father A son foolish; and bitterness to her who bore him. Also to fine the just (is) not good; to strike nobles for uprightness. He who restrains his words knows knowledge; and cool of spirit (is) a man of understanding. Even a fool who is silent wise is thought; he who shuts his lips (as) understanding.

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