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what good

What good am i

What good am i if i only ask and do not listen

What good am i if i listen and do not hear

What good am i if i hear and do not act

What good am i if i act and do not help

What good am i if i help and do not love

What good am i if i love others and do not love myself

What good am i

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3 AM

It is 3 am

I am wide awake

I feel you are awake also

Not sure why God has tethered us together like this but i know He has

I am not allowed to pray for you

I think of putting my hand on your chest and feeling your heart

Comfort and peace is what i wish to give you

But confusion and stress is what i seem to cause instead

I sit staring in the dark thinking about what i can do

Even though i can not pray for you i still thank God for you

Tethered in the spirit united in the flesh is how i feel

I close my eyes and touch my chest and ask God to heal the only one i can feel tonight

Sweet and pleasant dream my dear

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i hate him

I hate him

I hate him because he hurt you

I hate him because he is in control

I hate him because he stole what was not his

I hate him because he will not let you go

I hare him because he won’t let you heal

I hate him because when i look in the mirror i see i am just like him

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im sorry

When last we spoke you said I broke your trust and made it all about me. I listened and took those words to heart. I did not mean to break your trust and it was not my intention to make it all about me. I am sorry and ask for your forgiveness.

In the past, I felt led to ask questions and to question choices that did not aline with the beliefs you had shared with me. These questions were not easy for me to ask, as I knew they tended to steer up strong emotion and increase your stress. The last thing I wished to do was hurt you or push you away. I only wish for you to heal and believe that can only happen when we reach our earthly limits and choose to fall into the hands of Jesus. He is the only one that can bring us healing.

My only purpose now is to be quiet and listen. When and if you wish to talk I will always be here. God brought two broken people together so He could show that His love can heal all pain. You have helped me to find that healing and I pray I am able to help you find yours. You are my sister in Christ and I wish you to be free from your pain. God has great plans for you, trust in His love.

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your will

Heavenly Father i wish to honor you. Help me to die to my will and wants and to lean into you so i may find and understand your will for me. And if it is your will for me to move on, please take this desire and dreams away from me. Provide me with peace so i may let go and find the happiness and joy you have planned for me. But if it is your will for me to stay and be a vessel of yours to help her heal, then write it on the tablet of my heart so i may know it is from you. And i may honor you with my service.

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broken trust

I broke your trust and i did not mean to

I broke your trust and did not see it

I broke your trust and i feel uneasy

I broke your trust and lost my meaning

I broke your trust now i am displeasing

I broke your trust and lost my peace

I broke your trust and fear your flee from me

I broke your trust and wish you to forgive me

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i wish

I wish you to heal

I wish you not to hurt

I wish i could take your pain

I wish you could let go

I wish you could move forward

I wish you could start new

I wish you could reopen your heart

I wish to see you smile

I wish to see you happy

I wish i could do more

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do you think

Do you think i wish to hurt you

Do you think it is easy for me to see you cry

Do you think i don’t see your pain

Do you know how much i care

Do you know how i wish to ease your pain

Do you know how much i wish to see you happy

Do you know how much i pray that you will heal