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Proverbs 17

[28] Even a fool who is silent wise is thought; he who shuts his lips as understanding.

Better (is) a piece of bread dry and quietness with it, than a house full of sacrifices (with) strife. A servant who acts prudently shall rule over a son who causes shame; and among the brother he shall share the inheritance. The crucible for silver, and the furnace for gold; but tries the hearts Jehovah. An evil doer heeds lips false; a liar listens to a tongue of (evil) desire. He who mocks the poor reviles his maker; he who rejoices at calamity not shall be acquitted the crown of old men (is) Sons of sons and the glory of sons their fathers. not is fitting for a fool A lip of excess much less for a noble lips of lying. A stone of grace (is) the bribe in the eyes of its owner, to every where he turns he is prudent He who covers transgression seeks love, but one repeating a matter separates friends. goes down A rebuke into an astute one more than blows (into) a fool a hundred only A rebel seeks evil; so a messenger cruel is sent against him. Let meet a bear bereaved (of cubs) a man, and not a fool in his foolishness. he who returns evil instead of good, not shall depart evil from his house. (like) the releasing of water The beginning of strife (is); so before it breaks out, striving forsake. He who justifies the wicked, and condemns the just (are) hateful to Jehovah, even both of them. Why (is) this hire in the hand of a fool to obtain wisdom and a heart there is not? At every time loves the friend; and a brother for trouble is born. A man lacking heart strikes the palm; he pledges a pledge before his friend. He who loves transgression loves strife; he who exalts his door seeks shattering, one of crocked heart not finds good; and one perverse in his tongue falls into evil. He who fathers a fool (falls) into grief for it; and not will rejoice the father of a fool. A heart joyful makes good healing; but a spirit stricken dries the bone. a bribe out of the bosom the wicked takes; to stretch the paths of justice. With the face of the wise (is) wisdom; but the eyes of a fool (are) in the ends of the earth. (is) a vexation to his father A son foolish; and bitterness to her who bore him. Also to fine the just (is) not good; to strike nobles for uprightness. He who restrains his words knows knowledge; and cool of spirit (is) a man of understanding. Even a fool who is silent wise is thought; he who shuts his lips (as) understanding.

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Proverbs 16

[16:32] Is better one long to anger then the mighty; and he who rules his spirit than one who takes a city.

Proverbs 16

For man are the arrays of the heart, and from Jehovah the answer of the tongue. All the ways of a man (are) pure in his own eyes; but weights the spirits Jehovah. Roll on Jehovah your works and shall be set your thoughts. all has made Jehovah for His purpose, and even the wicked for the day of evil. An abomination to Jehovah (is) everyone proud in heart hand in hand not he will be acquitted. By mercy and truth is covered iniquity; and in the fear of Jehovah (men) turn from evil. When please Jehovah ways a man’s even his enemies He makes at peace with him. Better (is) a little with righteousness than much increase without justice. heart A man’s plans his way, but fixes Jehovah his step. A godly decision (is) on the lips of the king; in judgement not is traitorous his mouth. A scale and balances of justice (are) to Jehovah; His work (is) all the stores of the bag. An abomination for kings to commit wickedness for by righteousness is set the throne. (are) the delight of kings lips Righteous; and he who speaks uprightly is loved. fury A king’s (as is) messengers of death; but a man wise will cover it. In the light of face the King’s (is) life; and his favor (is) like a cloud of the spring rain. To get wisdom, how much better than gold! and to get understanding to be chosen above silver. The highway of the upright (is) to turn from evil; he who keeps his soul watches his way. before destruction Pride (goes) and before stumbling a haughty spirit. Better is lowness spirit of with the poor, than to divide the spoil with the proud. He who acts prudently on a matter shall find good; and he who trusts in Jehovah, blessed is he. The wise in heart shall be called understanding and sweetness of lips increases persuasion. A well of life (is) prudence to its owners, but the instruction of fools (is) folly. The heart of the wise makes prudent his mouth, and on his lips he adds persuasion flowing (with) honey (are) words Pleasant; sweetness to the soul and healing to the bones. There is a way (seeming) upright before a man, but its end (is) the ways of death. The soul who labors labors for himself; for urges on him his mouth. A man worthless digs up evil; and on (it is) his lips like a fire burning. A man of perversities sends out strife; and a slanderer separates friends. A man of violence lures his neighbor, and makes him go in a way not good. He who shuts his eyes to plan perverse things compressing his lips, brings to pass evil. A crown of glory a gray head in the way of righteousness it is found. (is) better One long (to) anger than the mighty; and he who rules is spirit than one who takes a city. into the bosom is cast the log but from Jehovah (is) all the ordering of it.

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Proverbs 15

[15:1] An answer soft turns away wrath; but a word of pain lifts up anger.

An answer soft turns away wrath; but a word of pain lifts up anger.

The tongue the righteous makes good knowledge but mouth fools makes flow foolishness.

In every place the eyes of Jehovah (are) watching the evil and the good.

A healing tongue (is) a tree of life; but perversity in it (is) a breaking in the spirit.

A fool despises instruction his father’s but one keeping correction is astute.

(in) house the righteous (is) treasure much; but in the increase the wicked is trouble.

The lips of the wise scatter knowledge; but the heart of fools not is so.

Sacrifice the wicked’s (is) a hateful thing to Jehovah; but the prayer of the upright (is) His delight.

(is) hateful to Jehovah the way of the wicked; but one pursuing righteousness He loves.

Instruction (is) evil to one forsaking the path; one hating reproof shall die.

Sheol and destruction (are) before Jehovah; even more the hearts of the sons of men!

not does love A scorner one who corrects him; to the wise not will he go.

A heart joyful makes good a face; but by pain of heart the spirit is stricken.

The heart of the wise seeks knowledge; but the mouth of fools feeds on folly.

All the days of the poor (are) evil; but heart goodness of (is) a feast continual.

Better is a little with the fear of Jehovah than treasure great and tumult with it.

Better a meal of herbs and love there, than oxen being stalled and hatred with it.

A man of fury stirs up strife; but one long (to) anger calms fighting.

The way of the lazy (is) like a hedge of thorns’ but the path of the righteous (is) cast up.

A son wise makes glad a father; but a foolish man despises his mother.

Foolishness (is) joy to him who lacks heart; but a man of understanding straight walks.

are frustrated purposes without counsel; but by great counselors they rise.

Joy (is) to a man by the answer of his mouth; and a word in its time, how good (it is).

The path of life is upward to the prudent that he may turn from Sheol below.

The house of the proud pulls Jehovah; but He sets up border the widows.

(are) hateful (to) Jehovah The thoughts of the evil, but pure (are) the words of pleasantness

Troubles his house he who gets unjust gain but he who hates bribes shall live.

The heart of the righteous studies to answer; but the mouth of the wicked makes flow evil things.

(is) far Jehovah from the wicked; but the prayer of the righteous He hears.

The light of the eyes rejoices the heart; a report good makes fat the bone.

The ear that hears the reproof of life, in the midst of instruction shall dwell.

He who ignores correction despises his own soul; but he who hears reproof gets heart.

The fear of Jehovah instruction in wisdom; and before honor (is) humility.

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Proverbs 14

[14:1] Wise women build her house; but the foolish with her hands it pulls down.

[1] Wise women build her house; but the foolish with her hands it pulls down.

Wise women build her house; but the foolish with her hands it pulls down. One walking in his uprightness fears Jehovah, but the perverse in his ways despises Him. In the mouth of a fool (is) a rod of pride; but the lips of the wise preserve them. Where (are) no cattle, the manager (is) clean; but much increase by the strength of an ox. A witness faithful not will lie; but breathes lies a witness false. seeks A scorner wisdom, and it is not; but knowledge, to the discerning, is swift. Go from before a man foolish, or not you will know the lips of knowledge. The wisdom of the astute discerns his way; but the folly of fools (is) deceit. Fools mock at guilt; but among the righteous (is) favor. The heart knows bitterness of its soul. and in its joy not does share a stranger. house The wicked’s will be wasted, but the tent of the upright will flourish. There is a way (seeming) upright before a man. but its end (is) the ways of death. Even in laughter is pained the heart; and in its end joy (is) grief. from his own ways will be filled The backslider of heart; but from himself a man good. The simple believes every word; but the prudent watches his step. the wise fears and turns from evil, but the foolish passes over and is bold. He who (is) short (to) anger acts foolishly; and a man of (evil) plots is hated. inherit The simple foolishness; but the prudent are circled (with) knowledge. will bow The evil before the good; and the wicked at the gates of the just. Even by his neighbor is hated the poor; but lovers of the rich (are) many. He who despises his neighbor sins; but he who favors the poor, happy (is) he! Do not go astray devisers of evil? But mercy and truth (follow) devisers of good. In all toil, there is profit, but the word of the lips (tends) only to poverty. The crown of the wise is their riches. The folly of fools (is) foolishness delivers souls A witness true; but breathes lies a deceit(ful) (witness). In the fear of Jehovah (is) trust strong; and to His sons shall be a hiding place. The fear of Jehovah (is) a fountain of life; to turn away from the snares of death. In the multitude of people (is) the ruin of a prince one long (to) anger (is) of great understanding; but one of short spirit exalts folly. (is) life (to) the flesh A heart of healing; but the rottenness of the bones (is) jealousy. One oppressing the poor curses his maker, but one honoring Him favors the needy. In his evil doing (is) thrust out the wicked; but has refuge in his death the righteous. In the heart under standing rests wisdom; and among fools is made known. Righteousness exalts a nation; but a shame to peoples (is) sin. favor The king’s (is) to a servant who acts wisely; but his wrath is (upon) a causer of shame.

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Proverbs 13

[13:12] Hope deferred makes sick the heart; but a tree of life is desire fulfilled.

A son wise (hears) instruction his father; but a scorner not does hear rebuke. From the fruit of mouth a man’s he eats good, but soul of the treacherous (eats) violence He who guards his mouth keeps his soul; he who opens wide his lips, ruin (is) to him. Craving but not the (getting is) soul of the lazy; but the soul of hard workers will be made fat A word of falsehood hates the righteous; but the wicked is odious and acts shamefully. Righteousness guards the perfect of way, but wickedness overthrows sin there is one acting rich, but has at not all; one acting poor, but wealth much. the ransom of life a man’s (is) his riches, but the poor not does hear rebuke. The light of the righteous rejoices; but lamp the wicked’s is put out. Only by pride comes strife, but with those taking counsel (is) wisdom. Wealth from vanity will dwindle; but one gathering by hand shall increase. Hope deferred makes sick the heart; but a tree of life (is) desire fulfilled. One despising the word ruins himself; but one fearing the command, he shall be rewarded. The law of the wise (is) a fountain of life to depart from the snares of death. Prudence good gives grace; but the way of traitors (is) continual. Every shrewd (one) deals with knowledge, but a fool lays open (his) folly. A messenger wicked falls into evil, but an envoy faithful (is) healing. Poverty and shame (for) one ignoring chastisement, but one keeping correction shall be honored. The desire keeping so is sweet to the soul, but it is hateful to fools to depart from evil. He who walks with the wise shall be wise, but a friend of fools suffers evil. Sinners are pursued by evil, but the righteous shall be rewarded (with) good. A good (man) makes inherit sons of (his) son, and is stored for the righteous wealth the sinners. Much food (yields) fallow land the poor’s but (it) is swept away when not (is) justice. He who back holds his rod is hating his son, but he loving him seeks him (with) correction. The righteous eats to satisfaction his soul, but the belly of the wicked shall lack.

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Proverbs 12

[12:24] The hand of the hard worker shall rule; but laziness will become forced labor.

Proverbs 12

One loving instruction (is) loving knowledge; but one hating correction (is) brutish. the good obtains favor from Jehovah, but a man of evil plots He will condemn. Not will be established a man by wickedness; but the root of the righteous not will totter. A women of virtue (is) the crown of her lord; but as rottenness in his bones is one causing shame. The thoughts of the righteous (are) justice; the counsel of the wicked (is) deceit. The words of the wicked ambush (for) blood, but mouth the upright’s delivers them. Overthrow the wicked, and they are not, but the house of the righteous stands. By the mouth of his prudence shall be praised a man, but the perverse of heart shall become despised. Better (is) a despised one, and a servant to him than one honoring himself and lacking bread. Regards the righteous the life of his beast, but the mercies of the wicked (are) cruel. He who serves his land will be satisfied (with) bread, but one pursuing vanities lacks heart. Desires the wicked the net of evils but a root (to) the righteous gives. In the transgression of the lips (is) the snare of evil but will emerge from distress the righteous. From the fruit of mouth a man’s he is satisfied (with) good; and the dealing of hands a man’s will return to him. the way of a fool is right in his own eyes but one listening to counsel (is) wise. A fool in a day is known his vexation, but covers shame the astute. He who breathes truth reveals righteousness, but a witness of falsehoods deceit There is a rash speaking like thrust of a sword; but the tongue of the wise (is) healing. the lips of truth are established forever but (only) while I wink (is) a tongue of falsehood. Deceit (is) in the heart of those plotting evil, but to counselors of peace (is) joy. Not shall happen to the righteous every trouble. but the wicked shall be filled (with) evil. An abomination to Jehovah lips of falsehood, but those who do truth (are) His delight. A man shrewd covers knowledge, but the heart of fools calls out folly. the hand of the hard workers shall rule, but laziness will become forced labor. Anxiety in heart a man’s makes it droop, but a word good makes it glad. Searches out (with) his friend the righteous, but the way of the wicked misleads them. Not does start after a lazy one his prey; but man’s wealth (is) precious a hard working. In the path of righteousness (is) life, and the way of (that) path (is) not death.

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Proverbs 11

[11:10] When prosper the righteous, rejoices the city; and at the perishing of the wicked is singing.

[22] A ring of Gold in snout a swine’s, is a women beautiful, even turning aside discretion.

[H22] A beautiful women lacking discretion and modesty is like a fine gold ring in a pigs snout.

Balances false (are) hateful to Jehovah; but a stone perfect (is) His delight. Comes pride, then comes shame; but with the humble (is) wisdom. the integrity of the upright guides them; but the deceit of traitors destroys them. Not does profit wealth in the day of wrath; but righteousness delivers from death. righteousness the perfect’s makes straight his way; but by his wickedness falls the wicked. The righteousness of the upright delivers them; but in (their) lust traitors shall be taken. In the death of a man wicked, shall perish (his) expectation, and the hope of troubler shall be lost. The righteous from trouble is delivered; and enters the wicked (in) his place. With the mouth the ungodly ruins his friend, but by knowledge the righteous is delivered. When prosper the righteous, rejoices the city; and at the perishing of the wicked (is) singing. By the blessing of the upright is lifted up a city; but by mouth the wicked’s it is overthrown. One despising his friend lacks heart; but a man of understanding remains silent. One going (with) slander is a revealer of secrets, but the faithful of spirit keeps hidden a matter. In the absence of (wise) counsel fall the people; but safety (is) in a great counselor. Evil one suffers when he is surety for an alien; but one hating strikes (of hands) (is) safe. a women gracious holds to honor; and terrifying (men) hold to riches. Does (well) (to) his own soul a man merciful but troubles his own flesh the cruel. The wicked makes a wage of falsehood; but one sowing righteousness (has) a reward of truth. Genuine righteousness (is) to life; but one pursuing evil to his own death. Hateful to Jehovah (are) the perverse of heart; but His delight the upright in way. (Though) hand (join) to hand not shall be acquitted the evil one, but the seed of the righteous escapes. A ring of gold in snout a swine’s (is) a women beautiful, even turning aside discretion. The desire of the righteous (is) only good; the hope of the wicked (is) wrath. There is one who scatters yet increases more, but a withholder of rightness (comes) only to poverty. The soul of blessing shall be made fat, and he watering, also he will drink fully, one holding grain back curse him the people; but a blessing to the head of one selling grain. One early seeking good seeks favor, but one pursuing evil, it shall come to him; he trusting in his riches, he shall fall; but like a green leaf the righteous shall flourish. One troubling his house inherits the wind; and a servant (is) fool to the wise of heart. The fruit of the just (is) a tree of life; and one taking souls (is) wise. Behold, the righteous in the earth will be repaid also indeed the wicked and the sinner.

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Proverbs 10

[10:1] A son wise makes rejoice a father, but a son foolish (is) sorrow of his mother.

Proverbs 10

Proverbs of Solomon A son wise makes rejoice a father, but a son, foolish (is) sorrow of his mother. Not do profit treasures of wickedness; but righteousness delivers from death. Not allows to hunger Jehovah the soul of the righteous; but desire the wicked’s He pushes away. (Becomes) poor he who deals (with) a palm lazy; but hand the hard worker’s makes rich. He who gathers in summer (is) a son prudent; he who sleeps in harvest (is) a son causing shame. Blessings (are) in the hand of the just but mouth the wicked’s covers violence. the memory of the just (is) for a blessing, but the name of the wicked shall rot; The wise of heart accepts commands; but the foolish of lips shall be thrust away. He who walks in integrity walks safely but he who perverts his ways shall be known. One winking the eye gives pain, but the foolish of lips shall be thrust away. A fountain of life (is) mouth the righteous; but mouth the wicked’s covers violence. Hatred stirs up strifes, but over all transgressions covers love. On the lips of the discerning is found wisdom; but a rod (is) for the back of one lacking heart. The wise store up knowledge; but mouth the fool’s ruin (is) near. Wealth of the rich man (is) the city of his strength; the ruin of the poor (is) their poverty. The work of the righteous (is) for life; the gain of the wicked (is) for sin. (on) the path to life (is) one keeping instruction; but one forsaking reproof (is) going astray. He who hides hatred (has) lips of falsehood, and one sending out slander he (is) a fool. In abundance of words not ceases transgression; but one restraining his lips (is) prudent silver choice (is) the tongue of the just; the heart of the wicked (is) as a little. the lips of the righteous feed many; but fools in lack of heart die. The blessing of Jehovah, it makes rich; and not He adds pain with it. As laughter to the foolish to work out evil devices; so wisdom (is) to the man of understanding. What is feared by the wicked, that shall come upon him; but the desire of the righteous is given. As passes the tempest, so is not the wicked; but the righteous (is) a foundation everlasting. Like vinegar to the teeth, and like smoke to the eyes, so (is) the lazy man to those sending him. The fear of Jehovah prolongs days; but the years of the wicked shall be shortened. The hope of the righteous (is) joy; but the hope of the wicked shall perish. (Is) strength to the upright the way of Jehovah, but ruin to workers of evil. The righteous forever not shall be shaken, but the wicked not shall swell in the land. Mouth the righteous’ flourishes (with) wisdom; but the tongue of perversities shall be cut off The lips of the righteous know what is pleasing; but mouth the wicked’s, (only) perversities.

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Proverbs 9

[9:10] The beginning of Wisdom is the fear of Jehovah, and the knowledge of the Holy ones is understanding.

Proverbs 9

Wisdom has built her house; she has carved her pillars seven. She has slaughtered her slaughter she has mixed her wine; also she has set her table. She has sent out her maidens; she calls on the tops of heights the city’s; Who (is) simple, turn aside here; one heart, lacking she says to him, come, eat of my bread, and drink of the wine I have mixed. Forsake the simple and live; and walk in the way of understanding. 

One rebuking a scorner takes for shame; himself and one reproving a wicked man his own blemish. Not do reprove a scorner, lest he hate you; reprove a wise one, and he will love you. Give to a wise one, and he will be wise more; teach a just man and he will add (to) learning. 

The beginning of wisdom (is) the fear of Jehovah, and the knowledge of the Holy Ones (is) understanding. For by me shall increase your days; and shall be added to you the years of life. 

If you are wise, you are wise for yourself; and if you scorn, you alone shall bear (it). A woman of foolishness (is) making noise; simple and not she knows what. And she sits at the door of her house, on a seat (in) the heights of the city, to call to those passing in the way, those going straight (on) their paths; Who (is) simple, turn aside here! And one lacking heart she says to him; waters stolen are sweet, and bread (in) secret is pleasant. But not he does know that the dead (are) there, in the depths of Sheol (are) her guests.

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Proverbs 8

[8:7] For truth shall utter my palate; and hateful to my lips (is) wickedness. In righteousness (are) all words my of mouth; is not in them a twisted thing and crocked; all of them (are) straight to the discerning, and upright to those finding knowledge.

Proverbs 8

Not wisdom does call? And understanding gives, her voice? on the head of high places on the way, between the paths she stands! At the side of the gates, before the city, entrance, (at) the doors, she cries To you, O men, I call; and my voice (is) to the sons of men. Understand, simple ones, prudence; and fools, understand (in) heart! Hear, for excellent things I will speak and from the opening of my lips right things. For truth shall utter my palate; and hateful to my lips (is) wickedness. In righteousness (are) all words my of mouth; is not in them a twisted thing and crooked; all of them (are) straight to the discerning, and upright to those finding knowledge. Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than gold choice. For better (is) wisdom than jewels, and all delights not can be compared to it. I, wisdom, dwell (with) prudence; and knowledge of discretions I find out. The fear of Jehovah (is) to hate evil; pride and loftiness and the way evil, and the mouth perverse I hate. To me (is) counsel and sound wisdom; I (am) understanding; to me (is) strength. By me kings reign and princes decree righteousness. By me rulers rule, and nobles all the judges of the earth. I those loving me love, and ones seeking me find me. Riches and honor with me, wealth enduring and righteousness. Better (is) my fruit than gold and pure gold, and my produce than silver choice. In the path of righteousness I walk among the paths of justice, to cause to inherit my lovers wealth; and their storehouses I will fill up. Jehovah possessed me in the beginning of His way, before his works from then From everlasting I was set up; from the beginning, from ancient times of the earth. When were no depths, I travailed, when were no springs heavy with waters. Before the mountains were sunk, before the hills I travailed. While not He had made the earth and the fields, and the head of the dust of the world. In His preparing the heavens there I (was); in His inscribing a circle on the face of the deep; in His firming the clouds from above, in making strong the springs of the deep; in His setting for the sea its limit, that the waters not should pass over His mouth; in His decreeing foundations the earth’s and I was (at) His side, a workman; and I was (His) delights day (by) day, rejoicing before Him at every time, rejoicing in the world His earth and my delight (were) with sons of men.

And now, (O) sons, listen to Me; for blessed (are) My ways they (who) keep. Hear instruction, and be wise, and not do ignore. Blessed (is) the man listening to me, to watch over my doors day (by) day, guarding the posts of my doors. For the one finding me finds life; and he shall obtain favor from Jehovah but he sinning against Me hurts his own soul; all hating me love death.