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Proverbs 27

Proverbs 27:17 Iron on iron sharpens; and a man sharpens face his friend.

Proverbs 27

Not do boast in the day of tomorrow, for not you do know what may bring forth a day. Let praise you an alien, and not your mouth; one foreign, and not your own lips. (is) heavy A stone and a burden sand; but vexation a fool’s (is) heavier than both of them. Fierce (is) Fury and is overflowing anger; but who can stand before jealousy? Better (is) reproof revealed than love concealed. Faithful (are) wounds a lover’s but (are) plentiful the kisses of a hated one. soul A sated tramples a honeycomb; but (to) a soul hungry, every bitter thing (is) sweet. Like a bird wandering from its nest, so (is) a man wandering from his place. Oil and perfume give joy to the heart; and (is) sweet one’s friend from the counsel of the soul. Your friend, nor friend your father’s not do forsake; and house your brother’s not do go into in the day of your calamity; (for is) better, a neighbor near than a brother far away. Be wise, my son, and give joy to my heart; so that I may return my reproaches a word. a sensible one sees the evil and hides himself; the simple pass on (and) are punished. Take his garment when he is surety for a stranger; and for a strange woman bind him in pledge. He who blesses his friend with a voice loud in the morning rising early, cursing it will be deemed as to him. dripping A constant on a day of steady rain; and a women of strivings are alike, he who hides her hides the wind; and oil his right hand meets. Iron on iron sharpens and a man sharpens face his friends. The keeper of a fig tree eats its fruit; and he who keeps his master is honored. As (in) the water face (reflects) face, so the heart of a man (reflects) the man. Sheol and destruction not are satisfied; and the eyes of a man not are satisfied. The refining pot for silver and the furnace for gold; but a man by the mouth of his praise. through you pound a fool in the mortar amidst the grain with a pestle, not will turn from him his folly. Well know face your flock’s set your heart on your herbs, for (are) not forever rich; nor the crown to generation (and) generation. One moves the grass, and is seen the new grass, and are gathered the plants of the mountains the lambs (will be) for your clothing; and a price of a field the he-goats; and enough goats’ milk for your food. for the food of your household, and for the lives of your maidens.

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Proverbs 26

The Lazy Women

A fool is the lazy women
Who’s evil heart is full of hatred and anger
Her life is full of strife
For through her lying tongue
She whispers the truth of the deceiver
A follower of light
Is who she believes she is to be

Proverbs 26

Like snow in summer, and like rain in harvest, so not (is) right for a fool honor. 

As the bird wondering, as the swallow in its flying, so the curse cause less not shall come. 

A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass: and a rod for the back of fools. 

Not Do answer a fool by his folly, lest you become like him, even you. 

Answer a fool by his folly. Lest he may be wise in his own eyes. 

(He) cuts off (his own ) feet (and ) violence drinks. 

Who sends messages by a hand a fools. 

Weak (are) the legs of the lame, so is a proverb in the mouth of fools. 

As he who binds a stone on a sling, so he who gives to a fool honor. 

A thorn goes up into hand the drunkards and a proverb in the mouth of fools . 

Great is the Former of all things: but he who hires a fool, (is like) one hiring those passing by. 

As a dog that returns to its own vomit a fool repeats with his foolishness. 

Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? (More) hope for a fool than (for) him. 

Says the lazy one, A lion (is) in the way: a lion is between the streets! 

(As) the door turns on its hinge, (so) the lazy one on his coach. 

buries The lazy one his hand in the dish, he is weary to bring it back to his mouth. 

(is) wiser The lazy one in his own eyes than seven that return a wise answer. 

(Like) one who grabs the ears of a dog, (is) the passer by enraging himself over strife (that is) not to him.

 Like a madman who throws sparks, arrows, and death. So (is) the man who deceives his neighbor and says, Am not looking I? 

Where is no wood, goes out the fire; and where no whisperer grows silent the strife. 

(As) coal burning to embers and wood to fire, so (is) a man of strife to kindle constellation.

The words of the whisper (are) like tasty morsels, and they enter into the chambers of the heart. 

(As with) silver dross laid over an earthen vessel, (so are) lips burning and a heart evil. 

With his lips dissembles He who hates; and in his inner being he lays up deceit; when is gracious his voice, not do believe him, for seven hateful things (are) in his heart. 

Is covered Hatred by guile; shall be reviled his evil in the assembly. 

He who digs a pit into it shall fall; and he who rolls a stone to him it shall return. 

A tongue lying hates those it crushes and a flattering mouth works stumbling.

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Proverbs 25

[25:2] The glory of God is to conceal a matter, but the glory of King is to search out a matter.

also These (are) proverbs of Solomon, which made advance the men of Hezekiah king of Judah. the glory of God (is) to conceal a matter; but the glory of King (is) to search out a matter. the heavens for height; and the earth for depth; but the heart of kings there is no searching. take away the dross from the silver, and shall go out as the refiners a vessel. Take away the wicked (from) before a king, and is settled in righteousness his throne. not Do honor yourself before a king; and in the place of the great not do stand. for it is better he says to you, come up here! than you be put lower before a noble whom have seen your eyes. not Do go out to fight hastily; lest, what shall you do in the end of it, when has shamed you your neighbor? your cause Plead with your neighbor; and the secrets of another not do uncover; lest put you to shame he who hears; and your evil report not returns. (Like) apples of gold in settings of silver (is) a word spoken at the (right) time. As a ring golden, and an item of gold, (so) a reprover wise on an ear hearing. Like cold snow in a day of harvest (so) a messenger faithful to his senders; and soul his master’s he makes return. (Like) clouds and wind but (with) no rain (is) a man boasting himself in gift of falsehood. In length (before) to anger is persuaded a ruler, and a tongue soft shatters the bone. honey have you found? Eat (only) your fill, lest you be satiated, and vomit it out, make rare your foot from house your neighbor’s, lest he be full of you and hate you. A maul, and a sword, and a arrow sharp (is) a man who testifies against his neighbor witness false. (like) a tooth bad and a foot slipping (is) trust in a traitor in a day of distress. (As) one removing a garment in a day cold, (and as) vinegar on soda (so) one singing with songs on a heart evil. If is hungry your enemy, give him to eat bread; and if he is thirsty gave to him water; for coals (of fire) you shall heap upon his head; and Jehovah shall reward you. the wind north brings forth rain; and an indignant face (by) a tongue secret. (It is) better to dwell on a roof corner than with a women of strifes and a house to share. (Like) waters cold to a soul weary, a report (is) good from a country far off. (Like) a spring fouled and a fountain ruined (are) the righteous tottering before the wicked. To eat honey much not (is) good; and to search out their glory (is) glory. (Like) a city broken down without a wall (is) a man (to) whom there is not control to his spirit.

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Proverbs 24

[24:3] Though Wisdom is built a house; and with understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms will be filled with all riches precious and pleasant.

[24:3] Though Wisdom is built Her house; and with understanding it is made a home; and by knowledge the rooms will be filled with all riches precious and pleasant.

First comes wisdom, then understanding followed by knowledge.

not Do envy men of evil, and not do desire to be with them. For violence meditates their heart; and mischief their lips speak. Through wisdom is built a house; and with understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms will be filled with all riches precious and pleasant. a wise warrior (is) in strength; and a man of knowledge firms up might. For with wise advice you shall make for yourself war; and deliverance (is) by the great counselor. (is) too high for a fool Wisdom; in the gate not he does open his mouth. He who devises to do evil, to him a lord of evil plots shall be called. the plot of foolishness (is) sin; and (is) hateful to men the scorner. (if) you faint in the day of distress (is) marrow your might. Deliver those being taken to death, and those stumbling for killing; unless you hold back. for you say, behold, not we did know this, does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? And the keeper of your soul, (does) he know? And He repays to a man according to his work? Eat, my son, honey for (it is) good; and the comb is sweet on your palate; so (shall) knowledge of wisdom (be) to your soul; when you have found that there is a hereafter and your hope not is cut off. not do lie in ambush, o wicked, at the abode the righteous; not do violate his resting place; for seven (times) falls a just one and rises again; but the wicked shall stumble into evil. When falls your enemy not do rejoice; and when he stumbles not do let be glad your heart; lest see Jehovah and (it) (be) evil in His eyes, and He turn away from him His anger not Do grow (in anger) because of evil doers, (and) do not envy the wicked; for not there shall be a here after to the evil; the lamp of the wicked shall be put out. Fear Jehovah, my son, and the King; with those who change not do associate. For suddenly shall rise their woe; and the ruin of both of them who knows? Also these (are) for the wise; to respect faces in judgement not (is) good. He who says to the wicked righteous you (are) shall curse him the people; shall abhor him the nations. But to those who rebuke it is pleasant; and on them comes a blessing good. the lips He shall kiss that return words straight. Prepare outside your work; and make it ready in the field, for you; afterwards, even build your house. not do be a witness causelessly against a neighbor, or deceive with your lips; not do say, As he has done to me, so I will do to him; I will repay to (each) Man according to his work. over the field of the man lazy I passed, and by the vineyard of the man heartless; and lo, it was grown up, all of it with thistles; had covered its surface nettles; and wall its stone was broken down. And I beheld; I set my heart; I looked I received instruction; A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to lie down; then comes walking about your poverty; and your want like a man (with) a shield.

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Proverbs 23

[23:4] Not do labor to be rich; for your understanding cease.

[23:31 – 33] Not do look at the wine when it is red; when it gives in the cup its eye; when it goes down smoothly – at its last like a snake it bites; and like a viper it stings. Your eyes shall look on strange women; and your heart shall speak perverse things.

When you site down to eat with a ruler carefully consider what (is) before you: and put a knife to your throat,. if a possessor of a soul you (are). not Do desire his delicacies. for it (is) bread of lies not Do labor to be rich; for your understanding cease. Will fly your eyes on it, and (it) is not? For surely it will make for itself? wings like an eagle and will fly into the heavens. 

not Do eat the bread of an evil eye; and not do desire his delicacies; for as he reckons in his soul, so (is) he? eat and drink, he says to you; but his heart not (is) with you. Your bit you have eaten, you shall vomit up; and spoil our words pleasant. 

In the ears of a fool not do speak. for he will despise the prudence of your words. not do move the landmark old and into the fields of the fatherless not do enter; for their Redeemer is mighty; He shall plead their cause with you. Bring in for instruction your heart, and your ears to the words of knowledge. not Do withhold from a boy correction; for (if) you strike him with the rod not he will die. You with the rod shall beat him and his soul from Sheol you shall deliver. 

My son, if is wise your heart, shall rejoice my heart, even I. And shall exult my reins when speak our lips right things. not Do let envy your heart against sinners; but only (be) in the fear of Jehovah all the day. For surely there is a here after and your hope not shall be cut off. Hear you, my son, and be wise; and advances in the way your heart. not Do be with heavy drinkers of wine; with gluttons flesh to themselves For the drunkard and the glutton lose all; and (with) rags shall clothe (one) sleepiness. 

Listen to your father: this one begot you; and not do despise when she is old your mother. the truth obtain and not do sell (it); (also) wisdom, and instruction and understanding. greatly shall rejoice The father of the righteous; and the father of a wise one shall even be glad in him. Let be glad your father and your mother; and let rejoice she who bare you. 

Give, my son, your heart to me; and your eyes my ways let watch. For a pit deep (is) a harlot, and a well narrow a strange woman; surely she as for prey lies in wait; and the treacherous among men she increases. 

To who (is) woe? To whom (is) sorrow? To whom contentions; To whom babbling? To whom (are) wounds without cause? To whom dullness of eyes? 

Those who stay long over the wine; those who go in to seek mixed wine. not Do look at the wine when it is red; when it gives in the cup its eye; when it goes (down) smoothly at its last like a snake it bites; and like a viper it stings. your eyes shall look on strange women; and your heart shall speak perverse things. And you shall be as one who lies down in the heart of the seas; or as he who lies on the top of a mast. They struck me; not I was sick. They beat me; not I did know (it). When I will awaken, I will add, I will seek it still.

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Proverbs 22

[29] Do you see a man who is prompt in his business; before Kings he shall stand; not he shall stand before obscure men

Is to be chosen A name rather than riches great; rather than silver or gold, favor (is) better. The rich and the poor meet together; is the maker of all of them Jehovah. A sensible one sees the evil and hides himself; but the simple pass on and are punished. The reward of humility (is) the fear of Jehovah; riches, and honor, and life. Thorns, snares (are) in the way of the crocked, he who keeps his soul shall be far from them. Train up a boy on the mouth of his way, even when he is old, not he will turn aside from it. The rich over the poor rules; and servant (is) the borrow to a man who lends. He who sows injustice shall reap evil and the rod of his wrath shall cease The eye good of He is blessed; for he gives of his bread to the poor. Drive out the scorner, and shall go out strife; and shall cease quarrels and shame. He who loves pureness of heart grace (is on) his lips; (shall be) his friend the king. The eyes of Jehovah keep knowledge; and He overthrows the words of the sly, says The lazy one, A lion (is) outside in the midst of the streets, I will be killed. A pit deep (is) the mouth of alien women; those hated (by) Jehovah shall fall there. Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a boy; and rod of discipline shall drive it far from him. He who oppresses the poor to multiply to him; he gives to the rich, only (to come) to poverty. Stretch your ear and hear the words of the wise; and your heart apply to my knowledge; for (they are) pleasant when you keep them within you; they shall be fixed together on your lips. So that may be in Jehovah your trust, I caused you to know today, even you. Have not I written to you thirty times with counsels and knowledge; to make you know the verity of the words of truth; to return words of truth to him who sent you. Not do rob the poor because poor he is; and not do crush the afflicted in the gate. For Jehovah shall plead their cause, and will plunder those plundering them (in) the soul, not do associate with a lord of anger and with a man of fury not do go in. lest you learn his paths and take a snare for your soul. Do not be one of those who strikes the palm, who are sureties for loans. If is not to you to repay, why should he take your bed from under you? not do move the landmark old which have set your fathers. Do you see a man who is prompt in his business? before kings He shall stand; not he shall stand before obscure (men).

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Proverbs 21

[21:2] Every way of a man is right in is own eyes; but weighs the heart Jehovah.

[21:11] When is punished the scorner is made wise the simple; and when is instructed the wise he receives knowledge.

(As) streams of waters the king’s heart (is) in hand of Jehovah: to wherever He desires, He inclines it. Every way of a man (is) right in his own eyes: but weighs the hearts Jehovah. To do righteousness and justice is to be chosen for Jehovah more than sacrifice. Exalted eyes, and a proud heart, the lamp of the wicked, (is) sin. the plans of the diligent only (tend) to plenty: but every hasty one only to poverty. The getting of treasures by a tongue lying (is) a vapor driven by those seeking death. The violence of the wicked ensnares them, because they refuse to do justice. Perverted (is) the way of a man guilty: but the pure, upright (is) his work. (It is) better to dwell on a corner of a roof than (with) a women of striving and a house to share. The soul of the wicked desires evils: not finds favor in his eyes his neighbor. When is punished the scorned is made wise the simple: and when is instructed the wise he receives knowledge. Wisely considers The Righteous One the house of the wicked : He overturns the wicked for (his) evil. He who shuts his ear at the cry of the poor, also himself he shall call and not will be heard. A gift in secret subdues anger: and a bridge in the bosom, wrath strong. (If) is joy to the righteous to do justice: but ruin to the workers of evil,. A man who wanders out of the way of prudence in the assembly of the dead shall rest. A man (shall be) poor who loves pleasure: He who loves wine and oil not shall be rich, (shall be) poor who loves pleasure: he who loves wine and oil not shall be rich. (Shall be) a ransom for the righteous The wicked: and in place of the upright the treacherous,. (It is) better to live in a land of wilderness than with a women of striving so and vexation A treasure desirable and oil (is) in the home of the wise; but a foolish man devours it. He who pursues righteousness and mercy finds life. Righteousness and honor. The city of the mighty scales A wise one and topples the force (in which) it trusts. He who keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps from distresses his soul. Proud, arrogant scoffer his name – he who deals in the wrath of pride. The lust of the lazy man kills him for have refused his hands to work. All the day long he lusts with lust; but they righteous gives and not withholds. The sacrifices of the wicked (is) hateful much more when with an evil intent he brings it. A witness false shall perish; but the man who attends forever will speak,. Hardens A man wicked his face; but the upright he establishes his way. There is no wisdom and no understanding and no counsel before Jehovah. The horse is made ready for the day of battle; but to Jehovah (belongs) deliverance.

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Proverbs 20

[20:1] A scorner Wine is; is noisy strong drink; and each who stays by it not is wise.

[20:29] The glory of young men their vigor; and the honor of old men the gray head.

Proverbs 20

a scorner Wine (is); is noisy strong drink; and each who stays by it not is wise. A roar like a lion (is) the dread of a king; he who stirs him to anger sins against his own soul. (is) an honor for a man To cease from strife; but every fool exposes himself. After the Autumn The lazy not will plow; he begs at harvest, but is nothing. Like water deep (is) counsel in heart a man’s; but a man of understanding will draw it out. Many men will proclaim each his own kindness; but a man faithful who can find. Walks about in his integrity The just; blessed (are) his sons after him! A king who sits on the throne of judgement scatters with his eyes all evil. Who can say, I have cleansed my heart; I am pure from my sin? A stone and a stone, an ephah and an ephah – (are) hateful to Jehovah, even both of them. Even by his acts makes himself known a lad whether is clean or upright his work. the ear hearing and the eye seeing Jehovah has made, even both of them. Not Do love sleep, lest you be dispossessed; open your eyes. Be satisfied (with) bread. Evil! Evil! Says the buyer; but when (it is) left to him, then he boasts. There is gold and many gems; but (is) a vessel rare the lips of knowledge. Take his garment when he is surety (for) an alien; and for strangers bind him in pledge. (is) sweet to a man Bread of falsehood; but afterwards shall be filled his mouth (with) gravel. Purposes in counsel are established; and with wise guidance make war. A revealer of a secret walks about as a gossip; and to him who opens his lips not do associate. He who curses his father or his mother, shall be put out his lamp in blackest darkness An inheritance gotten hastily in the beginning – but the end of it not shall be blessed. not Do say, I will repay evil; wait on Jehovah and He will save you. (are) hateful to Jehovah A stone and a stone and balances of deceit not (are) good. (are) from Jehovah The steps of a man; and man – what can he discern of his way? (It is) a snare (to) a man (to) say rashly, A holy thing! And after (he) vows to inquire. scatters the wicked A King wise, and turns them over the wheel. The lamp of Jehovah (is) the breath of Man; searching all the chambers of the belly. Mercy and truth preserve the king; and is upheld by mercy his throne. the glory of young man – their vigor; and the honor of old men; the gray head. Stripes of a wound cleanse away against evil and strokes the chambers of the heart.

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Proverbs 19

[19:22] The desire of man (is) his mercy, and (is) better (to be) poor than a man of a lie.

[19:11] A man’s wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense.

(is) better The poor who walks in his integrity than one crocked (in) his lips; and he (is) a fool. Also, without knowledge the soul not (is) good; and he rushing with (his) feet sins. The folly of man perverts his way; and against Jehovah rages his heart. Wealth adds friends many; but the poor from his neighbor is separated. A witness falsehoods of not clean, shall be and a breather of lies not shall escape. Many will beg the face of a noble and all are friends to a man of gifts. All the brothers of a poor man hate him; also surely his friends have been far from him; he pursues (them) (with) words. (yet) not they are. He who gets heart loves his own soul; he who keeps understanding finds good. A witness of falsehood not shall be clean and a breather of lies shall perish. not is becoming for a fool Luxury; much less for a servant to rule over rulers. discretion A man’s make slow his anger; and (it is) glory to pass over a transgression. roar (is) like a lion’s rage The kings; but as the dew on the grass (is) his favor. A ruin to his father (is) a son foolish, and a dropping never ending the strivings of a woman. House and riches (are) the legacy of fathers; but from Jehovah (is) a woman who acts prudently. Laziness makes one fall (into) deep sleep; and a soul idle shall be hungry. He who keeps the command keeps his own soul; he who despises His ways shall die. Lends to Jehovah one favoring the poor and his dealing He will reward to him. Chasten your son, for there is hope; and on making him die not do lift your soul. He great of fury will bear a fine; for if you deliver (him), then again you must add. Hear counsel and accept discipline, that you may be wise in your latter end. Many purposes (are) in heart a man’s; but the counsel of Jehovah, it shall rise. The desire of a man (is) his mercy, and (is) better (to be) poor than a man of a lie. The fear of Jehovah (tends) to life; and satisfied he lodges. not he shall be visited (with) evil. hides A lazy one his hand in a dish, even to his mouth not he will return it. a scorner strike and the simple will be astute; but reprove a discerner, he will discern knowledge. He who assaults (his) father, chases away (his) mother, a son causing shame and bringing reproach. Cease, my son, to hear the discipline, (only) to stray from the words of knowledge. A witness worthless scorns justice; and mouth the wicked’s devours evil. are prepared for scorners Judgments, and blows for the back of fools.

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Proverbs 18

[18:2] Not has delight a fool in understanding but only in uncovering his heart.

Proverbs 18

To (his own) desire seeks he who separates himself; against all sound wisdom he breaks out. not has delight A fool in understanding, but only in uncovering his heart. When comes the wicked, comes also scorn; and with shame (comes) reproach. Water Deep (are) the words of mouth a man’s. is a stream flowing the fountain of wisdom. To lift up the face of the wicked not (is) good; (nor) to turn aside the righteous in judgment. lips A fool’s enter into strife; and his mouth for strokes calls. mouth A fool’s (is) ruin to him, and his lips (are) the snare of his soul. The words of a slanderer are like tasty morsels; and they go (into) the chambers of the belly. Also, he who is slack in his work, (is) brother he a to a lord of destruction. a tower of strength The name of Jehovah (is) into it run the righteous and is exalted. riches The rich man’s are city his strong; and as a wall high in his imagination. Before shattering is haughty heart a man’s; but before honor (goes) humility. He who answers a matter before he hears, folly it (is) to him and shame. The spirit of a man will endure his sickness; but a spirit stricken who can bear it? The heart of the prudent gets knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. bribe a man’s makes room for him, and before great (men) leads him. (seems) just The first in his cause; (but) comes neighbor and tests him. strifes causes to cease The lot, and between the mighty divides. A brother offended (is like) a city of strength and strifes like the bars of a citadel. With the fruit of mouth a man’s shall be satisfied his belly; (with) the produce of his lips shall be satisfied. Breath and life (are) in the hand of the tongue, and those loving it shall eat its fruit. He who finds a wife finds good, and gets favor from Jehovah (with) entreaties speak The poor, but the rich answers roughly. A man of friends may be broken up; but there is a Lover who sticks closer than a brother.