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broken trust

I broke your trust and i did not mean to

I broke your trust and did not see it

I broke your trust and i feel uneasy

I broke your trust and lost my meaning

I broke your trust now i am displeasing

I broke your trust and lost my peace

I broke your trust and fear your flee from me

I broke your trust and wish you to forgive me

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i wish

I wish you to heal

I wish you not to hurt

I wish i could take your pain

I wish you could let go

I wish you could move forward

I wish you could start new

I wish you could reopen your heart

I wish to see you smile

I wish to see you happy

I wish i could do more

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do you think

Do you think i wish to hurt you

Do you think it is easy for me to see you cry

Do you think i don’t see your pain

Do you know how much i care

Do you know how i wish to ease your pain

Do you know how much i wish to see you happy

Do you know how much i pray that you will heal

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i say painful thing because i care

Today i upset you again. It seems like all i ever do is say things that make you have a visceral reaction. You tell me i know nothing about it and that i need to stop bringing up things from the past. I wish i did not truly believe that God was instructing me to talk to you about the thing that hurt you the most. But if i am to die to my will and accept His will for me then i need to be bold in my walk. I do not say these things to hurt you but to provide you with an opportunity to be released from the pain these things bring you. How can you be happy if you are unable to deal with your past? I speak from experience in knowing that we are unable to share our pain and release it to God, we are doomed to be held by it for the rest of our lives. I wish above all else that you find happiness with someone, but that will never happen if you are emotionally bonded with your past.

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God Bless the Red, White and Blue

Dear Lord, I’ve fought for freedom
for many nights and days
It’s now on bended knee I come to you
These words please hear me pray.

For all my friends and patriots
who never said a word
Just raised their hand and gave a nod
When they were asked to serve.

Please honor them and hold them
Your love keep them from harm
May they find some peace tonight
In Your loving arms.

For all who love this country
and stood up so brave and true
It’s only for her rights we fight
God bless the red, white and blue.


About Air Force Veteran Andrew Clark and What DAV Means to Him

Andrew Clark felt called to serve and defend the freedoms he cherishes. In 2001, Andrew enlisted in the Air Force and saw two deployments to Iraq. In 2003, he deployed with the Security Forces for Operation Iraqi Freedom, and deployed again in 2004.

Andrew’s service-related injuries – Traumatic Brain injury and epilepsy among them – have impacted his ability to easily navigate the course of his day. Thankfully, DAV has been there for Andrew. DAV helped him receive his full range of benefits, and today, Andrew pays it forward by helping other veterans through the DAV Chapter in his community.

Thanks to DAV, Andrew says
he wakes up with a purpose again.

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Neurology 101

How the brain works

billions of neurons (tiny nerv cells) computing power cpu
communicate via electical pulse
release chemical signals (neurotransmitters)
neurotransmitters float in synapse

cortex = surface of brainsubcortacal = evilution

nuero cirits = network on connect regions via neurons

neurotransmitter system

serotonin – improves will power, motivation, mood
norepinephrine – enhances thinking, focus, dealing with stress
dopamine – increase enjoyment
oxytocin – promotes feelings of trust, love, connection, reduce anxiety
goba increase felling of relaxation
melatonin – increase quality of sleep
endorphins – provides pain relief, feelings of enerlations
endocannabinoids – improve apatite, peace fullness and well being

frontal limp system: thinking

prefrontal cortex = front 1/3
ceo: planning, decission, impluse, modivation
-worry – guilt – shame

2 axles
dorso – top – thinking
ventral – bottom – emotional

midial – middle – self focused
lateral – side – outside world focused

Limpics system: feeling

exsitment, fear, exsizty, memory, desire

4 regions
hypertalamus – controls stress
amigdala – key 2 reduce fear agziaty neg emotional
hypocampus – longterm memories
sigalat cortex – focus & attention