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Electronic Circuitry







V – Voltage

I – Current

R – Resistance

P – Power

Ohm’s Law


V – Voltage

I – Current

R – Resistance

P – Power

Watt’s Law


P – Power


If you know

 I & R Current & Resistance


 V = I * R  |  P = I² * R

 I = V / R

 R = V / I







Unit Symbol










Measurement Symbol






Current is the same

Voltage adds up



Resistance Goes down

Current adds up

voltages is the same

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Behavior & Influence

Chase Hughes

# 1 Expert in Behavior and Influence | Chase Hughes | Human …
Chase is the author of the #1 Bestselling book on behavior profiling, persuasion, and influence, The Ellipsis Manual.

Spidey – Mentalist | Persuasion & Behavioral Speaker


Spidey is YouTube star with 150M+ views, named US Mentalist of the Year and has performed on NBC’s TODAY Show, TMZ and Rachael Ray!
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Barbershop Library

Barbershop Library

Our goal is to bring the addictive joy of reading to a child near you through our partnership with local barbershops. 

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Basic Core Exercises w/Janelle Trujillo – Habit Coach

Basic Core Exercises

In this video, Janelle Trujillo, CEO of Health Habit Coaching, shows a few basic core exercises that can improve your core strength and overall health. 

Health Habit Coaching specializes in personalized health coaching, targeting the root causes of weight loss challenges and preventable diseases, leveraging lifestyle changes for sustainable results.

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Malcom Little (X)

8th grade dropout

drug addict (reefer& cocaine)

  • shoe shine (@ clubs)
  • sandwich boy (on train)
  • drugs (reefer mostly)
  • sex (connected johns w/specialty workers)
  • armed robbery (sex clients)
  • gambling (played the numbers)

hated whites other then the on he dated prior to his Hajj to mecca

physically abusive to women

murdered by members of his old temple


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Proverbs 29

[29:11] A fool speaks all of his mind; but the wise holding back quiets it.

Proverbs 29

A man of reproofs who hardens (his) neck suddenly shall be shattered and not will be healing. When increased the righteous, rejoice the people; but when rule the wicked sigh the people. A man who loves wisdom gladdens his father; but a friend of harlots wastes wealth. A king by justice establishes a land, but a man (taking) bribes tears it down. A man who flatters on his neighbor, a net spreads for his steps. By transgression a man evil (is) a snare but the righteous sing and rejoice. knows The righteous the plea of the weak; but the wicked not do discern knowledge. Men of scorn puff against a city; but the wise turn away anger. (if) a Man wise disputes with a man foolish, even if he shakes or laughs and is no rest. Men of blood hate the blameless; but the upright seek his soul. all of his spirit bring out A fool; but the wise holding back quiets it. A ruler who listens to a word lying, all his ministers (are) wicked. The poor and a man of injuries meet together, (but) enlightens the eyes of both of them Jehovah. A king who judges with truth the weak his throne forever shall be established. The rod and reproof give wisdom; but a youth sent off causes shame to his Mother. When are multiplied the wicked, increases transgression; but the righteous their fall shall see. Correct your son and get you rest, and it will give delight to your soul. Where is no vision, are let loose the people. And the keeper of the law, blessed is he! by words not is corrected A servant; though he discerns, there is no answer. Do you see a man hasty in his words? More hope for a fool than of him! He who pampers from youth his servant also in his later days shall he be (his) successor. A man of anger stirs up contention, and a master of fury abounds in transgression The pride of man brings him low; but the humble spirit of takes hold of honor. He who shares with a thief hates his soul; an oath he hears, but not does tell (it). The fear of man brings a snare; but he who trusts in Jehovah is set on high. Many are seeking the face of the ruler but from Jehovah (is) the judgement of each man. (is) hateful to the righteous A man unjust and (is) hateful to wicked the upright way.

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audio librum

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Animal Farm - George Orwell
Animal Farm by George Orwell

Publisher’s summary

George Orwell’s classic satire of the Russian Revolution is an intimate part of our contemporary culture, quoted so often that we tend to forget who wrote the original words. It is an account of the bold struggle that transforms Mr. Jones’ Manor Farm into Animal Farm, a wholly democratic society built on the credo that All Animals Are Created Equal. Out of their cleverness, the pigs Napoleon, Squealer, and Snowball emerge as leaders of the new community in a subtle evolution that bears an insidious familiarity. The climax is the brutal betrayal of the faithful horse Boxer, when totalitarian rule is re-established with the bloodstained postscript to the founding slogan: But Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others. Buy @ Audible
Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Publisher’s summary
“Who is John Galt?” is the immortal question posed at the beginning of Ayn Rand’s masterpiece. The answer is the astonishing story of a man who said he would stop the motor of the world and did.

As passionate as it is profound, Atlas Shrugged is one of the most influential novels of our time. In it, Rand dramatizes the main tenets of objectivism, her philosophy of rational selfishness. She explores the ramifications of her radical thinking in a world that penalizes human intelligence and integrity.

Part mystery, part thriller, part philosphical inquiry, part volatile love affair, Atlas Shrugged is the book that confirmed Ayn Rand as one of the most popular novelists and most respected thinkers of the 20th century.

©1957 Ayn Rand, renewed 1985 Estate of Ayn Rand (P)2000 HighBridge Company

Abridged Audiobook
Categories: Literature & Fiction
Classics – Literary – Adventure