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Proverbs 8

[8:7] For truth shall utter my palate; and hateful to my lips (is) wickedness. In righteousness (are) all words my of mouth; is not in them a twisted thing and crocked; all of them (are) straight to the discerning, and upright to those finding knowledge.

Proverbs 8

Not wisdom does call? And understanding gives, her voice? on the head of high places on the way, between the paths she stands! At the side of the gates, before the city, entrance, (at) the doors, she cries To you, O men, I call; and my voice (is) to the sons of men. Understand, simple ones, prudence; and fools, understand (in) heart! Hear, for excellent things I will speak and from the opening of my lips right things. For truth shall utter my palate; and hateful to my lips (is) wickedness. In righteousness (are) all words my of mouth; is not in them a twisted thing and crooked; all of them (are) straight to the discerning, and upright to those finding knowledge. Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than gold choice. For better (is) wisdom than jewels, and all delights not can be compared to it. I, wisdom, dwell (with) prudence; and knowledge of discretions I find out. The fear of Jehovah (is) to hate evil; pride and loftiness and the way evil, and the mouth perverse I hate. To me (is) counsel and sound wisdom; I (am) understanding; to me (is) strength. By me kings reign and princes decree righteousness. By me rulers rule, and nobles all the judges of the earth. I those loving me love, and ones seeking me find me. Riches and honor with me, wealth enduring and righteousness. Better (is) my fruit than gold and pure gold, and my produce than silver choice. In the path of righteousness I walk among the paths of justice, to cause to inherit my lovers wealth; and their storehouses I will fill up. Jehovah possessed me in the beginning of His way, before his works from then From everlasting I was set up; from the beginning, from ancient times of the earth. When were no depths, I travailed, when were no springs heavy with waters. Before the mountains were sunk, before the hills I travailed. While not He had made the earth and the fields, and the head of the dust of the world. In His preparing the heavens there I (was); in His inscribing a circle on the face of the deep; in His firming the clouds from above, in making strong the springs of the deep; in His setting for the sea its limit, that the waters not should pass over His mouth; in His decreeing foundations the earth’s and I was (at) His side, a workman; and I was (His) delights day (by) day, rejoicing before Him at every time, rejoicing in the world His earth and my delight (were) with sons of men.

And now, (O) sons, listen to Me; for blessed (are) My ways they (who) keep. Hear instruction, and be wise, and not do ignore. Blessed (is) the man listening to me, to watch over my doors day (by) day, guarding the posts of my doors. For the one finding me finds life; and he shall obtain favor from Jehovah but he sinning against Me hurts his own soul; all hating me love death.