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Malcom Little (X)

8th grade dropout

drug addict (reefer& cocaine)

  • shoe shine (@ clubs)
  • sandwich boy (on train)
  • drugs (reefer mostly)
  • sex (connected johns w/specialty workers)
  • armed robbery (sex clients)
  • gambling (played the numbers)

hated whites other then the on he dated prior to his Hajj to mecca

physically abusive to women

murdered by members of his old temple


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Proverbs 27

Proverbs 27:17 Iron on iron sharpens; and a man sharpens face his friend.

Proverbs 27

Not do boast in the day of tomorrow, for not you do know what may bring forth a day. Let praise you an alien, and not your mouth; one foreign, and not your own lips. (is) heavy A stone and a burden sand; but vexation a fool’s (is) heavier than both of them. Fierce (is) Fury and is overflowing anger; but who can stand before jealousy? Better (is) reproof revealed than love concealed. Faithful (are) wounds a lover’s but (are) plentiful the kisses of a hated one. soul A sated tramples a honeycomb; but (to) a soul hungry, every bitter thing (is) sweet. Like a bird wandering from its nest, so (is) a man wandering from his place. Oil and perfume give joy to the heart; and (is) sweet one’s friend from the counsel of the soul. Your friend, nor friend your father’s not do forsake; and house your brother’s not do go into in the day of your calamity; (for is) better, a neighbor near than a brother far away. Be wise, my son, and give joy to my heart; so that I may return my reproaches a word. a sensible one sees the evil and hides himself; the simple pass on (and) are punished. Take his garment when he is surety for a stranger; and for a strange woman bind him in pledge. He who blesses his friend with a voice loud in the morning rising early, cursing it will be deemed as to him. dripping A constant on a day of steady rain; and a women of strivings are alike, he who hides her hides the wind; and oil his right hand meets. Iron on iron sharpens and a man sharpens face his friends. The keeper of a fig tree eats its fruit; and he who keeps his master is honored. As (in) the water face (reflects) face, so the heart of a man (reflects) the man. Sheol and destruction not are satisfied; and the eyes of a man not are satisfied. The refining pot for silver and the furnace for gold; but a man by the mouth of his praise. through you pound a fool in the mortar amidst the grain with a pestle, not will turn from him his folly. Well know face your flock’s set your heart on your herbs, for (are) not forever rich; nor the crown to generation (and) generation. One moves the grass, and is seen the new grass, and are gathered the plants of the mountains the lambs (will be) for your clothing; and a price of a field the he-goats; and enough goats’ milk for your food. for the food of your household, and for the lives of your maidens.

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Proverbs 21

[21:2] Every way of a man is right in is own eyes; but weighs the heart Jehovah.

[21:11] When is punished the scorner is made wise the simple; and when is instructed the wise he receives knowledge.

(As) streams of waters the king’s heart (is) in hand of Jehovah: to wherever He desires, He inclines it. Every way of a man (is) right in his own eyes: but weighs the hearts Jehovah. To do righteousness and justice is to be chosen for Jehovah more than sacrifice. Exalted eyes, and a proud heart, the lamp of the wicked, (is) sin. the plans of the diligent only (tend) to plenty: but every hasty one only to poverty. The getting of treasures by a tongue lying (is) a vapor driven by those seeking death. The violence of the wicked ensnares them, because they refuse to do justice. Perverted (is) the way of a man guilty: but the pure, upright (is) his work. (It is) better to dwell on a corner of a roof than (with) a women of striving and a house to share. The soul of the wicked desires evils: not finds favor in his eyes his neighbor. When is punished the scorned is made wise the simple: and when is instructed the wise he receives knowledge. Wisely considers The Righteous One the house of the wicked : He overturns the wicked for (his) evil. He who shuts his ear at the cry of the poor, also himself he shall call and not will be heard. A gift in secret subdues anger: and a bridge in the bosom, wrath strong. (If) is joy to the righteous to do justice: but ruin to the workers of evil,. A man who wanders out of the way of prudence in the assembly of the dead shall rest. A man (shall be) poor who loves pleasure: He who loves wine and oil not shall be rich, (shall be) poor who loves pleasure: he who loves wine and oil not shall be rich. (Shall be) a ransom for the righteous The wicked: and in place of the upright the treacherous,. (It is) better to live in a land of wilderness than with a women of striving so and vexation A treasure desirable and oil (is) in the home of the wise; but a foolish man devours it. He who pursues righteousness and mercy finds life. Righteousness and honor. The city of the mighty scales A wise one and topples the force (in which) it trusts. He who keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps from distresses his soul. Proud, arrogant scoffer his name – he who deals in the wrath of pride. The lust of the lazy man kills him for have refused his hands to work. All the day long he lusts with lust; but they righteous gives and not withholds. The sacrifices of the wicked (is) hateful much more when with an evil intent he brings it. A witness false shall perish; but the man who attends forever will speak,. Hardens A man wicked his face; but the upright he establishes his way. There is no wisdom and no understanding and no counsel before Jehovah. The horse is made ready for the day of battle; but to Jehovah (belongs) deliverance.

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Proverbs 19

[19:22] The desire of man (is) his mercy, and (is) better (to be) poor than a man of a lie.

[19:11] A man’s wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense.

(is) better The poor who walks in his integrity than one crocked (in) his lips; and he (is) a fool. Also, without knowledge the soul not (is) good; and he rushing with (his) feet sins. The folly of man perverts his way; and against Jehovah rages his heart. Wealth adds friends many; but the poor from his neighbor is separated. A witness falsehoods of not clean, shall be and a breather of lies not shall escape. Many will beg the face of a noble and all are friends to a man of gifts. All the brothers of a poor man hate him; also surely his friends have been far from him; he pursues (them) (with) words. (yet) not they are. He who gets heart loves his own soul; he who keeps understanding finds good. A witness of falsehood not shall be clean and a breather of lies shall perish. not is becoming for a fool Luxury; much less for a servant to rule over rulers. discretion A man’s make slow his anger; and (it is) glory to pass over a transgression. roar (is) like a lion’s rage The kings; but as the dew on the grass (is) his favor. A ruin to his father (is) a son foolish, and a dropping never ending the strivings of a woman. House and riches (are) the legacy of fathers; but from Jehovah (is) a woman who acts prudently. Laziness makes one fall (into) deep sleep; and a soul idle shall be hungry. He who keeps the command keeps his own soul; he who despises His ways shall die. Lends to Jehovah one favoring the poor and his dealing He will reward to him. Chasten your son, for there is hope; and on making him die not do lift your soul. He great of fury will bear a fine; for if you deliver (him), then again you must add. Hear counsel and accept discipline, that you may be wise in your latter end. Many purposes (are) in heart a man’s; but the counsel of Jehovah, it shall rise. The desire of a man (is) his mercy, and (is) better (to be) poor than a man of a lie. The fear of Jehovah (tends) to life; and satisfied he lodges. not he shall be visited (with) evil. hides A lazy one his hand in a dish, even to his mouth not he will return it. a scorner strike and the simple will be astute; but reprove a discerner, he will discern knowledge. He who assaults (his) father, chases away (his) mother, a son causing shame and bringing reproach. Cease, my son, to hear the discipline, (only) to stray from the words of knowledge. A witness worthless scorns justice; and mouth the wicked’s devours evil. are prepared for scorners Judgments, and blows for the back of fools.