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Proverbs 26

The Lazy Women

A fool is the lazy women
Who’s evil heart is full of hatred and anger
Her life is full of strife
For through her lying tongue
She whispers the truth of the deceiver
A follower of light
Is who she believes she is to be

Proverbs 26

Like snow in summer, and like rain in harvest, so not (is) right for a fool honor. 

As the bird wondering, as the swallow in its flying, so the curse cause less not shall come. 

A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass: and a rod for the back of fools. 

Not Do answer a fool by his folly, lest you become like him, even you. 

Answer a fool by his folly. Lest he may be wise in his own eyes. 

(He) cuts off (his own ) feet (and ) violence drinks. 

Who sends messages by a hand a fools. 

Weak (are) the legs of the lame, so is a proverb in the mouth of fools. 

As he who binds a stone on a sling, so he who gives to a fool honor. 

A thorn goes up into hand the drunkards and a proverb in the mouth of fools . 

Great is the Former of all things: but he who hires a fool, (is like) one hiring those passing by. 

As a dog that returns to its own vomit a fool repeats with his foolishness. 

Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? (More) hope for a fool than (for) him. 

Says the lazy one, A lion (is) in the way: a lion is between the streets! 

(As) the door turns on its hinge, (so) the lazy one on his coach. 

buries The lazy one his hand in the dish, he is weary to bring it back to his mouth. 

(is) wiser The lazy one in his own eyes than seven that return a wise answer. 

(Like) one who grabs the ears of a dog, (is) the passer by enraging himself over strife (that is) not to him.

 Like a madman who throws sparks, arrows, and death. So (is) the man who deceives his neighbor and says, Am not looking I? 

Where is no wood, goes out the fire; and where no whisperer grows silent the strife. 

(As) coal burning to embers and wood to fire, so (is) a man of strife to kindle constellation.

The words of the whisper (are) like tasty morsels, and they enter into the chambers of the heart. 

(As with) silver dross laid over an earthen vessel, (so are) lips burning and a heart evil. 

With his lips dissembles He who hates; and in his inner being he lays up deceit; when is gracious his voice, not do believe him, for seven hateful things (are) in his heart. 

Is covered Hatred by guile; shall be reviled his evil in the assembly. 

He who digs a pit into it shall fall; and he who rolls a stone to him it shall return. 

A tongue lying hates those it crushes and a flattering mouth works stumbling.