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Proverbs 12

[12:24] The hand of the hard worker shall rule; but laziness will become forced labor.

Proverbs 12

One loving instruction (is) loving knowledge; but one hating correction (is) brutish. the good obtains favor from Jehovah, but a man of evil plots He will condemn. Not will be established a man by wickedness; but the root of the righteous not will totter. A women of virtue (is) the crown of her lord; but as rottenness in his bones is one causing shame. The thoughts of the righteous (are) justice; the counsel of the wicked (is) deceit. The words of the wicked ambush (for) blood, but mouth the upright’s delivers them. Overthrow the wicked, and they are not, but the house of the righteous stands. By the mouth of his prudence shall be praised a man, but the perverse of heart shall become despised. Better (is) a despised one, and a servant to him than one honoring himself and lacking bread. Regards the righteous the life of his beast, but the mercies of the wicked (are) cruel. He who serves his land will be satisfied (with) bread, but one pursuing vanities lacks heart. Desires the wicked the net of evils but a root (to) the righteous gives. In the transgression of the lips (is) the snare of evil but will emerge from distress the righteous. From the fruit of mouth a man’s he is satisfied (with) good; and the dealing of hands a man’s will return to him. the way of a fool is right in his own eyes but one listening to counsel (is) wise. A fool in a day is known his vexation, but covers shame the astute. He who breathes truth reveals righteousness, but a witness of falsehoods deceit There is a rash speaking like thrust of a sword; but the tongue of the wise (is) healing. the lips of truth are established forever but (only) while I wink (is) a tongue of falsehood. Deceit (is) in the heart of those plotting evil, but to counselors of peace (is) joy. Not shall happen to the righteous every trouble. but the wicked shall be filled (with) evil. An abomination to Jehovah lips of falsehood, but those who do truth (are) His delight. A man shrewd covers knowledge, but the heart of fools calls out folly. the hand of the hard workers shall rule, but laziness will become forced labor. Anxiety in heart a man’s makes it droop, but a word good makes it glad. Searches out (with) his friend the righteous, but the way of the wicked misleads them. Not does start after a lazy one his prey; but man’s wealth (is) precious a hard working. In the path of righteousness (is) life, and the way of (that) path (is) not death.