Dyslexia is not a complexity. It is a compound of simple factors which can be dealt with step-by-step. At dyslexia's root is a natural ability, a talent. The gift of dyslexia is the gift of mastery.
Ronald D. Davis
Founder Davis Dyslexia Correction Program
Dyslexic Student Tool Box
Accommodations for college require written recommendation from neuropsychologist,
Recommended Accommodations:
- preferential seating
- extended time on tests and assignments
- reduced homework or class work
- verbal, visual, or technology aids
- modified textbooks or audio-video materials
- behavior management support
- adjusted class schedules or grading
- verbal testing
- voice to type
- excused lateness, absence, or missed class work
Dragon – Putting words to work with AI‑powered speech recognition
grammarly – Compose bold, clear, mistake-free writing with Grammarly’s AI-powered writing assistant.
Slow down reading
write terms & deffinitions
what does not work
data input via rote methodology