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Dialectical Behavior Therapy – DBT

The following is a dyslexic understanding of the DBT Deck. The DBT Deck was created by Lane Pederson, PsyD, LP, DBTC in 2019 and is based on 3 seminal BPD research pages, (Linehan, 1993, Pederson, 2012, & Moonshie, 2008). If you are interested in purchasing your own DBT Desk, go here.

don't judge yourself

5 Areas of DBT

  • Dialectics
  • Mindfulness
  • Distress Tolerance
  • Emotion Regulation
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness


  1. diary card
  2. schedule skill use
  3. reward yourself
  4. discover your motivation
  5. “crowd out” problem behaviors
  6. stick with it!

What are Dialectics?

dialectics relate to the synthesis of opposites.

shads of gray
flexible in thinking

conflict = perspective
procrastination = small steps

Practice: List 5 positive qualities i like or have

  1. compassionate
  2. determined | resolute
  3. loyal | faithful
  4. humble
  5. just | fair

What is Mindfulness?

mindfulness is choosing to be aware of this moment, on purpose, non-judgmentally. States of mind
  • Emotion
  • Reason
  • Wise
Wise Mind is the balance between emotion and reason Step One: observe > describe Step Two: participate > effectively Practice: 3 mindful tasks clean for 10 minutes let go of Judgments do not get frustrated w/distractions

What is Distress Tolerance?

skills to manage stress and crisis in ways that help without having after effects that make our lives worse

2 types of coping behaviors

  • Ineffective (outbrust)
  • Healthy (energy burn – running / AJJ)

ACCEPTS (skills)
 Activities – Mind off problems
 Contributing – Focus on others
 Comparisons – Healthy view
 Emotions – Change behavior new emotions
 Pushing Away – Tomorrows problem
 Thoughts – Focus on helpful one
 Sensations – Earthly pleasures (all 5 senses)


IMPROVE (skills)
 Imagery – Imagine running w/Violet @ Tiger Mountain (happy thoughts)
 Meaning – whys motivate actions
 Prayer – a ritual that calms (spirituality)
 Relaxation – Mindfulness (breathing)
 One Thing/Moment @ a Time – multitasking in half-assing a bunch of thing all at once.
 Vacation – Road trip Federal Way – Seattle – Puyallup – Yakima – Montana
 Encouragement – affirming self-talk (morning vibrations)


Practice: Self-Soothe

  • Vision
  • Hearing
  • Smell
  • Taste
  • Touch

Emotion Regulation

skills to decrease vulnerabilities to intense emotions

 Physical health
 List of resources & strengths
 Eat healthy
 Avoid drugs & alcohol
 Sleep enough
 Exercise daily
 Daily practice

Practice: Opposite to Emotion (O2E)

  • Depression > connect w/your supports
  • Anxiety > one big step
  • Anger > avoid till calm
  • Guilt > commit to not making the mistake again
  • Shame > come out of hiding
  • Procrastination > take 1st step (list)

Interpersonal Effectiveness

Increased sense of self-respect
Increased ability to make and keep relationship
Increased wants & needs being meet

 Stick to Values

 Easy Manner

 Describe the Details
 Express Opinions & Emotions
 Appear Confident