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Proverbs 6

[20 – 22] Keep, my son, commands your fathers; and not do forsake the law of you mother. Tie them on your heart continually, bind them on your neck. When you go, it shall lead you, when you lie down, it shall watch over you; and when you awaken, it shall talk with you.

Proverbs 6

My son, if you are surety for your friends; (if) you struck with an alien your palms; you are snared with the words of your mouth, you are captured with the words of your mouth; to this then, my son, and save yourself when you come into the palm of your friend go, humble yourself and be bold (to) your friend. Not do give sleep to your eyes or slumber to your eyelids. Deliver yourself as a gazelle from a hand; and as a bird from hand the fowler’s. Go to the ant, lazy man; see her ways and be wise; of whom not is to her a leader, overseer or ruler, provides in the summer her bread, gathers in the harvest her food. Until when, O lazy man, will you lie down? When you will arise out of your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest; so shall come as one stalking your poverty, and your want as a man of a shield. A man worthless a man of evil, walk (with) a crocked mouth, winking with his eyes. scraping with his feet; pointing with his fingers; perverse things (are) in his heart, he is plotting evil at every time; strife he sends out. Therefore suddenly shall come his calamity, quickly he is broken, and is not healing. Six (things) these hates Jehovah, and seven are hateful to His soul. eyes high, a tongue lying and hands shedding blood innocent, a heart that plots plans evil; feet hurrying to run to evil. He breathes lies, a witness lying, and one sending out strife between brothers. Keep, my son, commands your father’s; and not do forsake the law of your mother. Tie them on your heart continually, bind them on your neck. When you go, it shall lead you; when you lie down. It shall watch over you; and (when) you awaken, it shall talk (with) you. For (is) a lamp the command and the law a light; and the way of life (is) reproofs of instruction; to keep you from the women evil from the smooth tongue of the strange women Not do lust after her beauty in your heart; and not do let her take you with her eyelids. For on behalf of a woman a harlot to the loaf (last) of bread; and wife (another) man’s the soul precious hunts for can take a man fire into his bosom and his clothes not be burned? Or can walk a man onhot coals and his feet not be burned? So (is) one going in to wife his neighbor’s; not shall be innocent everyone touching her. Do not they despise a thief, when he steals to satisfy his soul when he is hungry; but (if) he is found he shall restore sevenfold. all the goods of his house he shall give one doing adultery (with) a woman lacks heart; a destroyer of his own soul he (is) (who) does it. A wound and dishonor he shall find; and his reproach not shall be wiped away. For jealousy (is) the rage of a man; and not he will spare in the day of vengeance. Not he will lift the face of every ransom; and not he will consent when you multiply the bribes.