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Proverbs 7

[6 – 9] For at the window of my house through my lattice i looked down, and i saw among the simple ones i observed among the sons of youth lacking heart; passing through the street beside her corner; and the way to her house he walked, in the twilight, at the evening of day, in the black of night and darkness.

Proverbs 7

My son, keep my words, and my commands treasure  hearts Say to wisdom, my sister you (are); and a kinsman to understanding call; to words smooth, For at the window of my house through my lattice I looked down, and I saw among the simple ones I observed amount the sons of youth lacking heart; passing through street the beside her corner; and the way to her house he walked, in the twilight, at the evening of day, in the black of night and darkness And behold, a women to meet him, (with) dress a harlot’s, and a guarded heart; loud she (is) and stubborn; in her own house not do dwell her feet; now (is she) outside, now in the streets, and at every corner she lies in wait. and she seizes him and disses him; she hardens her face and says to him, sacrifices of peace offering are on me, today I have repaid my vows; therefore I came out to meet you, to seek early your face and I have found you (with) coverings I have spread my couch, stripped clothes of linen of Egypt; I have sprinkled my bed (with) myrh, aloes and cinnamon. Come, let us drink our fill of love until the morning; let us delight ourselves with caresses. For is not (my) husband in his house; he is going in the way far off; a bag of silver he has taken in his hand at the day of the full moon he will enter his house she turned him aside by the sum of her word, with the flattering of her lips she forced him. (He is) going after her at once, as an ox to the slaughter goes; as one chained to chastisement of a fool; until strikes through a dart his liver. Like hastening a bird’s to the snare, and not knowing that for his soul it (is). And now, sons, listen to me, and incline to the words of m mouth; not do turn aside to her ways your heart, not do go astray in her paths. For many (are) the wounded she has made fall; and numerous all her slain ones. The ways of Sheol (are) her house, going down to the rooms of death.

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