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Proverbs 20

[20:1] A scorner Wine is; is noisy strong drink; and each who stays by it not is wise.

[20:29] The glory of young men their vigor; and the honor of old men the gray head.

Proverbs 20

a scorner Wine (is); is noisy strong drink; and each who stays by it not is wise. A roar like a lion (is) the dread of a king; he who stirs him to anger sins against his own soul. (is) an honor for a man To cease from strife; but every fool exposes himself. After the Autumn The lazy not will plow; he begs at harvest, but is nothing. Like water deep (is) counsel in heart a man’s; but a man of understanding will draw it out. Many men will proclaim each his own kindness; but a man faithful who can find. Walks about in his integrity The just; blessed (are) his sons after him! A king who sits on the throne of judgement scatters with his eyes all evil. Who can say, I have cleansed my heart; I am pure from my sin? A stone and a stone, an ephah and an ephah – (are) hateful to Jehovah, even both of them. Even by his acts makes himself known a lad whether is clean or upright his work. the ear hearing and the eye seeing Jehovah has made, even both of them. Not Do love sleep, lest you be dispossessed; open your eyes. Be satisfied (with) bread. Evil! Evil! Says the buyer; but when (it is) left to him, then he boasts. There is gold and many gems; but (is) a vessel rare the lips of knowledge. Take his garment when he is surety (for) an alien; and for strangers bind him in pledge. (is) sweet to a man Bread of falsehood; but afterwards shall be filled his mouth (with) gravel. Purposes in counsel are established; and with wise guidance make war. A revealer of a secret walks about as a gossip; and to him who opens his lips not do associate. He who curses his father or his mother, shall be put out his lamp in blackest darkness An inheritance gotten hastily in the beginning – but the end of it not shall be blessed. not Do say, I will repay evil; wait on Jehovah and He will save you. (are) hateful to Jehovah A stone and a stone and balances of deceit not (are) good. (are) from Jehovah The steps of a man; and man – what can he discern of his way? (It is) a snare (to) a man (to) say rashly, A holy thing! And after (he) vows to inquire. scatters the wicked A King wise, and turns them over the wheel. The lamp of Jehovah (is) the breath of Man; searching all the chambers of the belly. Mercy and truth preserve the king; and is upheld by mercy his throne. the glory of young man – their vigor; and the honor of old men; the gray head. Stripes of a wound cleanse away against evil and strokes the chambers of the heart.

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