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Proverbs 15

[15:1] An answer soft turns away wrath; but a word of pain lifts up anger.

An answer soft turns away wrath; but a word of pain lifts up anger.

The tongue the righteous makes good knowledge but mouth fools makes flow foolishness.

In every place the eyes of Jehovah (are) watching the evil and the good.

A healing tongue (is) a tree of life; but perversity in it (is) a breaking in the spirit.

A fool despises instruction his father’s but one keeping correction is astute.

(in) house the righteous (is) treasure much; but in the increase the wicked is trouble.

The lips of the wise scatter knowledge; but the heart of fools not is so.

Sacrifice the wicked’s (is) a hateful thing to Jehovah; but the prayer of the upright (is) His delight.

(is) hateful to Jehovah the way of the wicked; but one pursuing righteousness He loves.

Instruction (is) evil to one forsaking the path; one hating reproof shall die.

Sheol and destruction (are) before Jehovah; even more the hearts of the sons of men!

not does love A scorner one who corrects him; to the wise not will he go.

A heart joyful makes good a face; but by pain of heart the spirit is stricken.

The heart of the wise seeks knowledge; but the mouth of fools feeds on folly.

All the days of the poor (are) evil; but heart goodness of (is) a feast continual.

Better is a little with the fear of Jehovah than treasure great and tumult with it.

Better a meal of herbs and love there, than oxen being stalled and hatred with it.

A man of fury stirs up strife; but one long (to) anger calms fighting.

The way of the lazy (is) like a hedge of thorns’ but the path of the righteous (is) cast up.

A son wise makes glad a father; but a foolish man despises his mother.

Foolishness (is) joy to him who lacks heart; but a man of understanding straight walks.

are frustrated purposes without counsel; but by great counselors they rise.

Joy (is) to a man by the answer of his mouth; and a word in its time, how good (it is).

The path of life is upward to the prudent that he may turn from Sheol below.

The house of the proud pulls Jehovah; but He sets up border the widows.

(are) hateful (to) Jehovah The thoughts of the evil, but pure (are) the words of pleasantness

Troubles his house he who gets unjust gain but he who hates bribes shall live.

The heart of the righteous studies to answer; but the mouth of the wicked makes flow evil things.

(is) far Jehovah from the wicked; but the prayer of the righteous He hears.

The light of the eyes rejoices the heart; a report good makes fat the bone.

The ear that hears the reproof of life, in the midst of instruction shall dwell.

He who ignores correction despises his own soul; but he who hears reproof gets heart.

The fear of Jehovah instruction in wisdom; and before honor (is) humility.

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