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Proverbs 13

[13:12] Hope deferred makes sick the heart; but a tree of life is desire fulfilled.

A son wise (hears) instruction his father; but a scorner not does hear rebuke. From the fruit of mouth a man’s he eats good, but soul of the treacherous (eats) violence He who guards his mouth keeps his soul; he who opens wide his lips, ruin (is) to him. Craving but not the (getting is) soul of the lazy; but the soul of hard workers will be made fat A word of falsehood hates the righteous; but the wicked is odious and acts shamefully. Righteousness guards the perfect of way, but wickedness overthrows sin there is one acting rich, but has at not all; one acting poor, but wealth much. the ransom of life a man’s (is) his riches, but the poor not does hear rebuke. The light of the righteous rejoices; but lamp the wicked’s is put out. Only by pride comes strife, but with those taking counsel (is) wisdom. Wealth from vanity will dwindle; but one gathering by hand shall increase. Hope deferred makes sick the heart; but a tree of life (is) desire fulfilled. One despising the word ruins himself; but one fearing the command, he shall be rewarded. The law of the wise (is) a fountain of life to depart from the snares of death. Prudence good gives grace; but the way of traitors (is) continual. Every shrewd (one) deals with knowledge, but a fool lays open (his) folly. A messenger wicked falls into evil, but an envoy faithful (is) healing. Poverty and shame (for) one ignoring chastisement, but one keeping correction shall be honored. The desire keeping so is sweet to the soul, but it is hateful to fools to depart from evil. He who walks with the wise shall be wise, but a friend of fools suffers evil. Sinners are pursued by evil, but the righteous shall be rewarded (with) good. A good (man) makes inherit sons of (his) son, and is stored for the righteous wealth the sinners. Much food (yields) fallow land the poor’s but (it) is swept away when not (is) justice. He who back holds his rod is hating his son, but he loving him seeks him (with) correction. The righteous eats to satisfaction his soul, but the belly of the wicked shall lack.

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