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i say painful thing because i care

Today i upset you again. It seems like all i ever do is say things that make you have a visceral reaction. You tell me i know nothing about it and that i need to stop bringing up things from the past. I wish i did not truly believe that God was instructing me to talk to you about the thing that hurt you the most. But if i am to die to my will and accept His will for me then i need to be bold in my walk. I do not say these things to hurt you but to provide you with an opportunity to be released from the pain these things bring you. How can you be happy if you are unable to deal with your past? I speak from experience in knowing that we are unable to share our pain and release it to God, we are doomed to be held by it for the rest of our lives. I wish above all else that you find happiness with someone, but that will never happen if you are emotionally bonded with your past.

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