Pitch – particular frequency 432Hz/440Hz Subjective:
Tone – Acoustic – regularity of vibration
Standard 12-tone scale
Frequency – of musical notes (rate of oscillatory & vibratory phenomena) Objective: frequency is a number of occurrences, of a repeated event, per unit of time
Hertz is a International Standard (SI) unit for frequency
Verdi's A
Others believe that the correct middle “A” is 432 Hz (also known as Verdi’s A) because it has “a pure tone of math fundamental to nature” and is “mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe, vibrating with Phi, the Golden Ratio.
Furthermore, 432 Hz resonates with 8 Hz (the Schumann Resonance), the documented fundamental electromagnetic “beat” of Earth.
dr william amalu grounding
vagal tone – Vagal tone refers to activity of the vagus nerve, the 10th cranial nerve and a fundamental component of the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. This branch of the nervous system is not under conscious control and is largely responsible for the regulation of several body compartments at rest.
electrical ground improves vagal tone
Electrical Grounding Improves Vagal Tone in Preterm Infants
BPD is a Pervasive Disorder of the Emotion Regulation System [biological regulations disorder / invalidating social environment]
BPD criterion behaviors function to regulate emotions or are a natural consequence of emotion dysregulation.
“Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): Where We Were, Where We Are and Where Are We Going” YouTube, uploaded by UW Video, 20 April 2016, https://youtu.be/hM_Pj_MvpcM
The following is a dyslexic understanding of the DBT Deck. The DBT Deck was created by Lane Pederson, PsyD, LP, DBTC in 2019 and is based on 3 seminal BPD research pages, (Linehan, 1993, Pederson, 2012, & Moonshie, 2008). If you are interested in purchasing your own DBT Desk, go here.
don't judge yourself
5 Areas of DBT
Distress Tolerance
Emotion Regulation
Interpersonal Effectiveness
diary card
schedule skill use
reward yourself
discover your motivation
“crowd out” problem behaviors
stick with it!
What are Dialectics?
dialectics relate to the synthesis of opposites.
shads of gray flexible in thinking
conflict = perspective procrastination = small steps
Practice: List 5 positive qualities i like or have
determined | resolute
loyal | faithful
just | fair
What is Mindfulness?
mindfulness is choosing to be aware of this moment, on purpose, non-judgmentally.
States of mind
Wise Mind is the balance between emotion and reason
Step One: observe > describe
Step Two: participate > effectively
Practice: 3 mindful tasks
clean for 10 minutes
let go of Judgments
do not get frustrated w/distractions
What is Distress Tolerance?
skills to manage stress and crisis in ways that help without having after effects that make our lives worse
2 types of coping behaviors
Ineffective (outbrust)
Healthy (energy burn – running / AJJ)
ACCEPTS (skills) Activities – Mind off problems Contributing – Focus on others Comparisons – Healthy view Emotions – Change behavior new emotions Pushing Away – Tomorrows problem Thoughts – Focus on helpful one Sensations – Earthly pleasures (all 5 senses)
IMPROVE (skills) Imagery – Imagine running w/Violet @ Tiger Mountain (happy thoughts) Meaning – whys motivate actions Prayer – a ritual that calms (spirituality) Relaxation – Mindfulness (breathing) One Thing/Moment @ a Time – multitasking in half-assing a bunch of thing all at once. Vacation – Road trip Federal Way – Seattle – Puyallup – Yakima – Montana Encouragement – affirming self-talk (morning vibrations)
Practice: Self-Soothe
Emotion Regulation
skills to decrease vulnerabilities to intense emotions
PLEASED Physical health List of resources & strengths Eat healthy Avoid drugs & alcohol Sleep enough Exercise daily Daily practice
Practice: Opposite to Emotion (O2E)
Depression > connect w/your supports
Anxiety > one big step
Anger > avoid till calm
Guilt > commit to not making the mistake again
Shame > come out of hiding
Procrastination > take 1st step (list)
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Goals: Increased sense of self-respect Increased ability to make and keep relationship Increased wants & needs being meet
1.FAST Fair Apologies Stick to Values Truthful
2.GIVE Genuine Interest Validation Easy Manner
3.DEAR MAN Describe the Details Express Opinions & Emotions Assert Reward Mindful Appear Confident Negotiate
I was walking along the beach with my Lord. Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life. Fore each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonging to me and one to my Lord.
When the last scene of my life shot before me I looked back at the footprints in the sand. There was on one set of footprints. I realized that this was at the lowest and saddest times of my life. This always bothered me and i Questioned the Lord abut my dilemma.
“lord, You told me when i decided to follow You. You would walk and talk with me all the way. But I’m aware that during the most troublesome times of my life there is only one set of footprints. I just don’t understand why, when I need You most, You leave me.”
He whispered, “My precious child, I love you and will never leave you, never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you.”
Dyslexia is not a complexity. It is a compound of simple factors which can be dealt with step-by-step. At dyslexia's root is a natural ability, a talent. The gift of dyslexia is the gift of mastery.
Ronald D. Davis
Founder Davis Dyslexia Correction Program
Dyslexic Student Tool Box
Accommodations for college require written recommendation from neuropsychologist,
Recommended Accommodations:
preferential seating
extended time on tests and assignments
reduced homework or class work
verbal, visual, or technology aids
modified textbooks or audio-video materials
behavior management support
adjusted class schedules or grading
verbal testing
voice to type
excused lateness, absence, or missed class work
Dragon – Putting words to work with AI‑powered speech recognition
Julian Calendar Gregorian Calendar Western Christian
1582 – Pope Gregory XIII
1699 – Protestant German
1752 – England
1753 – Sweden
1873 – Japan
1912 – China
1918 – Soviet union
1923 – Greece
Lunar Cycle 29.53 days
356.24 days in a year
Romulus c759BC
January Janus – Roman god of the gateway
February Februa – Roman Festival of Purification
March Mars – Roman god of War
April Aprilis – ‘opening’
May Maia – Freco – Roman goddess of Spring & Fertility
The following items must e completed by the end of the year to count toward your finances for the current year.
Make charitable donations.
Contribute to your 401(k) or other workplace retirement plan.
Take required minimum distributions on retirement accounts.
Use flexible spending dollars, if your company does not have a grace period or carryover.
Sell investments at a loss to offset capital gains taxes on other investments.
Review your expenses Assess your savings goals Understand your tax situation Look at your retirement contributions Consider your charitable donations Evaluate your flexible spending dollars Review your insurance contracts Prepare for next year
Cha Basic x 2 OpenBreaks & UnderArmTurns w/alt. UnderArmTurns Basic Parallee x 2 to Crossover dbl.rock w/UnderArmTurns Basic to CrossBodyLead to PeekABoo
X-Lead “CrossBodyLead” OpenBreak Lady UnderArmTurns BackHandChange Lady UnderArmTurns X-Lead “CrossBodyLead” PeekABoo X-Lead “CrossBodyLead” OpenBreak Switchhands
Baisc right turn release throwout right hand throwout UnderArmTurns UnderArmTurns left back hand change alt UnderArmTurns handslides sweetheart point and kicks turning kicks walk & points
music: in the mood – glenn miller rock around the clock – bill haley start me up – jum, jiva, an wail –
Magic Walk ForwardChange Swing Prom u/UnderArmTurns Magic LeftTurn
swing step left box turn forward change step
left rock ending magic right turn right rock ending
promenade outside underarm turn promenade check
2 Basic (No Rotation) Alt. UnderArmTurns OverTheTop Back Hand Change inside turn Basic (Rotate) cont. throw-out waist rool handsake turn side step
Left Box Turn Forward Change Step Right Box Turn Cross Lead Box UnderArmTurns Left side by side Changes parallel right turns open break & UnderArmTurns promenade develope hesitation arthur murray turn kathryn marry turn box w/inside turn left side by side changes w/spin (lady)/patty cakes open break/ UnderArmTurns
music: moon river – andy williams open arms – mariah carey could i have this dance – anne murray are you lonesome tonight – elvis presley
3 walks to promenade (add rocks) medio corte rock & box (to prom.) shadow rocks
musisc: hernando’s hideaway – the pajama game what ever lola wants – damn yankeesll la comparsita – julio iglesias
Rotating Basic x 2 OpenBreaks & UnderArmTurns w/alt. UnderArmTurns (end in 5th posn.) Basic CrossBodyLead to COpenBreaks w/UnderArmTurns (5th posn.) into 5th posn breaks Lady UnderArmTurns RapAround UnderArmTurns Basic CubanWalks