there are 4 chambers to my heart, and you — which is 3 letters, are in one of them
Category: knowledge
my Queen’s list
she must be a sister in Christ
she must be willing to be the mother of my children
she must be able to deal with and work with me on my problem areas
she must have the intelligence to mesmerize me with her mind and tongue
she must be athletic & healthy
she must communicate with me and let me know when we have a problem and go to counseling if needed
she must never lie to me
she must be willing to fight for our marriage
she must be willing to Love me
she must be my best friend
she must dance with me
she must be willing to share her past, present, and future with me
she must pray for me daily
Heavenly Father, i am thankful for you every day.
I am thankful for the day and all the opportunities it presents me
I am thankful for her and how she helps me
I am thankful for my family and how they love me
I am thankful for Violet and the memories she gave me
I am thankful for the hopes and dream you give me
I am thankful for my desire to serve and follow you
I am thankful you love me enough to send your son Jesus to die for my sins so i may have everlasting joy with you
Oh how i wish to know you
How i wish to find you daily
But at last, you elude me
You hide in places i can not find
In a place that feels out of my reach
You tease me with the promise of rest
But all i find is turmoil and distress
I long for your embrace to know i am safe
I feel your hands and know your arms will catch me
And in the end, i have learned i can only be with you if i surrender
I must give up the rights to myself
I must pick up my cross
And I must follow you
My answer is yes, Lord.
sacrificial surrender
What does it mean to surrender to your will
What will i sacrifice for your will
Will i sacrifice my own will
Will i sacrifice my our desires
Will i sacrifice the need to be right
Will i sacrifice the need to be happy
Will i sacrifice the hope of love
Will i sacrifice the joy of her touch
Will i sacrifice my fatherhood
Will i sacrifice everything with the promise of nothing
The answer is yes
If i trust you what will happen
If i trust you will the pain stop
If i trust you will the fear go away
If i trust you will the emptiness leave me
If i trust you will i find happiness
If i trust you will joy enter my heart
If i trust you will my soul know peace
If i truly trust you would it matter
I will trust you
will you
Will you see me again
Or will you say no
Will you talk to me again
Or will you say no
Will you walk with me again
Or will you say no
Will you run in the woods with me
Or will you say no
Will you cuddle with me
Or will you say no
Will you grow with me
Or will you say no
What is fear
Why do i fear it
Why do i fear what i do not know
Why do i fear what i do not control
If i have no power over it, why does it have power over me
It doesn’t make me young it makes me old
I doesn’t make me happy it makes me sad
It robs me of my energy and burdens me with pain
It is like a dark night or a grey cloud that never ends
Every night it follows me to bed
And every morning i start anew and give it to you
not no
Not no, but not now. What does this mean? Does it mean to let go, but not move on, or does it mean let go, move on, and wait? This question haunts my days, nights, and dreams. I am not sure which i fear more. Not knowing if i am hearing right or hearing what i don’t want to hear.
what good
What good am i
What good am i if i only ask and do not listen
What good am i if i listen and do not hear
What good am i if i hear and do not act
What good am i if i act and do not help
What good am i if i help and do not love
What good am i if i love others and do not love myself
What good am i