Category: languages
Modern Liberal Arts 2
Eight Parts of Speech
Noun – Person, Place, Animal, Thing, Idea
Pronoun – Noun
Verb – Action (Being)
Adjective – Noun or Pronoun (what – how – which)
Adverb – Verb, Adjective, Adverb
Preposition (relation ship – time – direction – location)
Conjunction – glue
Interjection – special
words that names a person, animal, place, thing, or idea
Example: Mizz Violet is a Vizsla – dog.
The nouns in the sentence are:
- Mizz Violet
- Vizsla
- dog
words that take the place of a noun
Example: Did you see her in that new bio-hack training vest?
The pronouns in the sentence are:
- you – Refers to the person being addressed.
- her – Refers to a female person or subject being talked about.
words that show action or (being) (to be)
Example: Every day Violet and Howard take a walk in the forest.
The verbs in the sentence are:
- take – The main action performed by Violet and Howard.
- walk – It functions as a verb describing the action they do in the forest.
(Note: In this sentence, “walk” is part of the action, not used as a noun.)
words that describe or modify a noun or pronoun (what kind – how many – which one)
Example: Mizz Violet is a female dog with a reddish brown color coat.
The adjectives in the sentence are:
- female – Describes the noun “dog.”
- reddish – Describes the noun “coat.”
- brown – Describes the noun “coat.”
- color – Describes the noun “coat.”
Other examples include: lumpy, soft, ugly, messy, and short
words that describe or modify (1) verbs (2) adjectives (3) adverbs (how – when – where)
Example: Howard carefully examined Mizz Violet’s teeth for any tartar buildup.
The adverb in the sentence is:
- carefully – It modifies the verb “examined,” describing how Howard examined Mizz Violet’s teeth.
Other examples include: modestly, stupidly, and greedily. They usually end in “ly.”
words that show the relationship between one word in a sentence to another word (location – direction – time – relationship)
Example: The book “The adventures of Mizz Violet” was carefully written by Howard W. Darko in 2025.
The prepositions in the sentence are:
- of – “The adventures of Mizz Violet”
- by – “written by Howard W. Darko”
- in – “in 2025”
words that join other words or parts of a sentence together (glue)
Example: Violet had planned on taking Howard running but a rain storm delayed her plans.
The conjunction in the sentence is:
- but – It connects the two clauses, showing contrast between Violet’s plan and the rainstorm’s effect.
special words used to show strong feelings or emotions
Example: Gee Whiz! Your a beautiful dog, Violet.
The interjection in the sentence is:
- Gee Whiz! – This is an exclamation used to express surprise, admiration, or excitement.
apostrophe ‘ – it’s p84
“quotation marks” – “” p93
ellipsis… – … p89
parentheses – () p91
comma , – , pause p85
period. – . complete stop p92
question mark – ? p9
exclamation mark – ! complete stop p89
dash – – short stop p88
colon – : complete stop p 84
semicolon – ; join independent clauses of a compound sentence | short stop p95
hyphen – – used to hive information or add extra emphasis (dash) p90
Sentence (sen’tens) n.
2. a word or group of words, usually containing a subject and predicate, that states, asks, ect.
a. material – parts of speech
Noun, Pronoun, verb, Article, Adverb, Adjective, Conjunction, Interjection, Preposition
b. Function – parts of a sentence
Expresses a complete thought and has a minimum of a subject and a predicate.
Subjects are nouns, pronouns, or phrases. They tell you what the sentence is about – a person, thing, or idea. A Predicate tells us what a subject did, does, was, or is.
“Mizz Violet Victoria VonDam – a Hungarian Vizsla, enjoys running Howard (her Human companion) on scenic mountain trails in the Pacific Northwest.