In the early 1970’s, Dr. Russell Sacco wanted to show the humanity of the unborn. To do this, he took a striking photo of the perfectly formed feet of a 10-week unborn child. This was published worldwide, and in 1974, it inspired Mrs. Virginia Evers to create the “Precious Feet” lapel pin, identical in size and shape to an unborn baby’s feet at just 10 weeks after conception. they are used by millions of people worldwide to demonstrate the humanity of the unborn. Buy Precious Feet Here.
In this video, Janelle Trujillo, CEO of Health Habit Coaching, shows a few basic core exercises that can improve your core strength and overall health.
Health Habit Coaching specializes in personalized health coaching, targeting the root causes of weight loss challenges and preventable diseases, leveraging lifestyle changes for sustainable results.
BPD is a Pervasive Disorder of the Emotion Regulation System [biological regulations disorder / invalidating social environment]
BPD criterion behaviors function to regulate emotions or are a natural consequence of emotion dysregulation.
“Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): Where We Were, Where We Are and Where Are We Going” YouTube, uploaded by UW Video, 20 April 2016,