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i had a dream

Also Known As "Footprints"

One night I dreamed a dream.

I was walking along the beach with my Lord. Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life. Fore each scene, I noticed two  sets of footprints in the sand, one belonging to me and one to my Lord.

When the last scene of my life shot before me I looked back at the footprints in the sand. There was on one set of footprints. I realized that this was at the lowest and saddest times of my life. This always bothered me and i Questioned the Lord abut my dilemma.

“lord, You told me when i decided to follow You. You would walk and talk with me all the way. But I’m aware that during the most troublesome times of my life there is only one set of footprints. I just don’t understand why, when I need You most, You leave me.”

He whispered, “My precious child, I love you and will never leave you, never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you.”

Margaret Fishback Powers, 1964

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Dyslexia is not a complexity. It is a compound of simple factors which can be dealt with step-by-step. At dyslexia's root is a natural ability, a talent. The gift of dyslexia is the gift of mastery.
Ronald D. Davis
Founder Davis Dyslexia Correction Program

Dyslexic Student Tool Box

Accommodations for college require written recommendation from neuropsychologist,

Recommended Accommodations:

  • preferential seating
  • extended time on tests and assignments
  • reduced homework or class work
  • verbal, visual, or technology aids
  • modified textbooks or audio-video materials
  • behavior management support
  • adjusted class schedules or grading
  • verbal testing
  • voice to type
  • excused lateness, absence, or missed class work



Dragon – Putting words to work with AI‑powered speech recognition

grammarly – Compose bold, clear, mistake-free writing with Grammarly’s AI-powered writing assistant.


Slow down reading
write terms & deffinitions

what does not work

data input via rote methodology

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Julian Calendar
Gregorian Calendar

1582 – Pope Gregory XIII 1699 – Protestant German 1752 – England 1753 – Sweden 1873 – Japan 1912 – China 1918 – Soviet union 1923 – Greece Lunar Cycle 29.53 days 356.24 days in a year Romulus c759BC

Janus – Roman god of the gateway

Februa – Roman Festival of Purification

Mars – Roman god of War

Aprilis – ‘opening’

Maia – Freco – Roman goddess of Spring & Fertility

Juno – Roman goddess

45BC Julius Caesar (Roman dictator)

8BC Augustus Caesar (roman emperor)





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Brain Wave Frequencies

5 Types of Brain Waves








0Hz – 4Hz

4Hz – 8Hz

8Hz – 12Hz

12Hz – 40Hz

40Hz – 100Hz






cognative memory


managing stress

focusing 33hz 
777Hz 70Hz 7Hz Awaken Spiritual Powers. Overcoming fear, Build Inner Strength. –

goodnight sleep 3hz


Brain Science 101

Prefrontal cortex


Limbic system


Neurology 101

how the brain works

  • 86 billion neurons (tiny nerve cells) computing power
  • communicate via electrical pules
  • electrochemical process
  • release chemical signal (neuro transmitter)
  • neurotransmitter float in synapse

cortex = surface of brain
subcortacal + evolution

neural circuits = network of connect regions via neurons

Neurotransmitter System

serotonin – improves will power, motivation, mood

norepinephrine – enhances thinking, focus, dealing with stress

dopamine – increase enjoyment (poppy)

oxytocin = promotes feelings of trust, love, connection, reduce anxiety

gaba – increase feeling of relaxation

melatonin – increase quality of sleep

end – provides pain relief, feelings of enerlations

endocannabinoids – improve appetite, peace fullness and well being

glutamate – 

Frontal Limbic System

prefrontal cortex = front 1/3
ceo: planning, decision, impulse, & motivation
worry – guilt – shame

ventral – emotion
dorso – thinking

medial – self focused
lateral – outside world focused

top side vs. bottom middle

top middle
top side
bottom middle
bottom side

DL-PFC is not an anatomical structure, but rather a functional one

Limbic System: emotion

excitement, fear, anxiety, memory, desire

4 regions

  • hypothalamus – controls stress
  • amygdala – key 2 reduce fear – anxiety, negative emotion
  • hippocampus – long-term memories
  • insular cortex – focus & attention


dorsal striatum- Part of: Basal ganglia, Reward system


  • almond
  • nuclei
  • cerebrum
  • deals w/now
  • move forward

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD –

Rob Williams, Originator of PSYCH-K® –


dr andrew huberman

five functions of the “brain”

  1. sensory
  2. perception
  3. feeling
  4. thinking
  5. behaviour
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Financial Wisdom

8th Wonder of the World: compound interest

5 Financial Proverbs of Life
  1. live on a written budget
  2. get out of debt & stay out of debt
  3. cultivate & maintain quality relationships
  4. save & invest
  5. be incredibly generous (givers glow)

3 steps to success

  1. Finish High School
  2. Get a job
  3. Get married before having children

Deadline: December 31st

The following items must e completed by the end of the year to count toward your finances for the current year.

  • Make charitable donations.
  • Contribute to your 401(k) or other workplace retirement plan.
  • Take required minimum distributions on retirement accounts.
  • Use flexible spending dollars, if your company does not have a grace period or carryover.
  • Sell investments at a loss to offset capital gains taxes on other investments.

Review your expenses
Assess your savings goals
Understand your tax situation
Look at your retirement contributions
Consider your charitable donations
Evaluate your flexible spending dollars
Review your insurance contracts
Prepare for next year

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Ballroom Dancing


Basic x 2
OpenBreaks & UnderArmTurns w/alt. UnderArmTurns
Parallee x 2 to Crossover dbl.rock w/UnderArmTurns
Basic to CrossBodyLead to PeekABoo


X-Lead “CrossBodyLead”
Lady UnderArmTurns
Lady UnderArmTurns
X-Lead “CrossBodyLead”
X-Lead “CrossBodyLead”


right turn release
right hand throwout
UnderArmTurns left
back hand change
alt UnderArmTurns
point and kicks
turning kicks
walk & points

in the mood – glenn miller
rock around the clock – bill haley
start me up –
jum, jiva, an wail –



Magic Walk
Prom u/UnderArmTurns
Magic LeftTurn

swing step
left box turn
forward change step

left rock ending
magic right turn
right rock ending

promenade outside underarm turn
promenade check


2 Basic (No Rotation)
Alt. UnderArmTurns
Back Hand Change
inside turn
Basic (Rotate)
cont. throw-out
waist rool
handsake turn
side step


Left Box Turn
Forward Change Step
Right Box Turn
Cross Lead Box
Left side by side Changes
parallel right turns
open break & UnderArmTurns
promenade develope
arthur murray turn
kathryn marry turn
box w/inside turn
left side by side changes w/spin (lady)/patty cakes
open break/ UnderArmTurns

moon river – andy williams
open arms – mariah carey
could i have this dance – anne murray
are you lonesome tonight – elvis presley


3 walks
to promenade (add rocks)
medio corte
rock & box (to prom.)
shadow rocks

hernando’s hideaway – the pajama game
what ever lola wants – damn yankeesll
la comparsita – julio iglesias


Rotating Basic x 2
OpenBreaks & UnderArmTurns w/alt. UnderArmTurns (end in 5th posn.)
CrossBodyLead to COpenBreaks w/UnderArmTurns (5th posn.)
into 5th posn breaks
Lady UnderArmTurns
RapAround UnderArmTurns Basic

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Eight Parts of Speech

Noun – Person, Place, Animal, thing, Idea

Pronoun – Noun

Verb – Action (Being)

Adjective – Noun or Pronoun (what – how – which)

Adverb – Verb, Adjective, Adverb

Preposition (relation ship  – time – direction – location)

Conjunction – glue

Interjection – special


words that names a person, animal, place, thing, or idea

Mizz Violet is a Vizsla – dog.


words that take the place of a noun

Did you see her in that new bio-hack training vest?


words that show action or (being) (to be)

Every day Violet and Howard take a walk in the forest.


words that describe or modify a noun or pronoun (what kind – how many – which one)

Mizz Violet is a female dog.


words that describe or modify (1) verbs (2) adjectives (3) adverbs (how – when – where)

Mizz Violet has a reddish brown color coat.


words that show the relationship between one word in a sentence to another word (location – direction – time – relationship)

The book “The adventures of Mizz Violet” was written by Howard W. Darko


words that join other words or parts of a sentence together (glue)

Violet had planned on taking Howard running but a rain storm delayed her plans.


special words used to show strong feelings or emotions

Gee Whiz! Your a beautiful dog, Violet.


apostrophe ‘ – it’s p84

“quotation marks” – “” p93

ellipsis… – … p89

parentheses – () p91

comma , – , pause p85

period. – . complete stop p92

question mark – ? p9

exclamation mark – ! complete stop p89

dash – – short stop p88

colon – : complete stop p 84

semicolon – ; join independent clauses of a compound sentence | short stop p95

hyphen – – used to hive information or add extra emphasis (dash) p90



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Proverbs 31

[10] An able women who can find? And (is) far above gems her value.

The words of Lemuel King, the burden that taught him his mother. What my son? And what, the son of my womb? And what, the son of my vows? Not do give to women your might, or your ways to that wiping out kings. (It is) not for Kings, O Lemuel, (it is) not for Kings to drink wine, nor for princes to lust for strong drink; lest they drink and forget what is decreed and pervert the right of the sons of the afflicted! Give strong drink to one perishing and wine to the bitter of soul; let him drink and forget his poverty, and his misery not remember more. Open your mouth for the dumb, to the cause of all the sons fatherless. Open your mouth; judge righteously and defend the poor and needy. An able women who can find? And (is) far above gems her value. trust in her heart Her husband’s so that (of) gain no he has lack. She deals to him good and not evil, all the days of her life. She seeks wool and flax; and she works (with) delight (with) her palms. She is like the ships merchant; from afar she brings in her food. She also rises while (it is) still night, and gives game to her household, and a decree to her maidens. She has examined a field and takes it; from the fruit of her palms she plants a vineyard. She has girded with strength her loins, and has strengthened her arms. She tastes whether (is) good her gain; not does go out by night her lamp. her hands she has sent forth on the distaff and her palms have held the spindle her palms she spreads to the poor; and her hands she reaches to the needy. not she is afraid for her household of the snow; for all her household are clothed (with) scarlet, coverings she makes to herself fine linen and purple her clothing (is) is known in the gates Her husband, when he sits with the elders of the land. linen garments She makes, and sells; and belts she gives to the merchant. Strength and dignity (are) her clothing; and she laughs at the day to come. her mouth she opens in wisdom, and the law of kindness (is) on her tongue. She watches the ways of her household, and the bread of idleness not she does eat. rise up Her children and call her blessed; her husband, for he praises her. Many (are) the daughters who work ably, but you rise over all of them deceitful (is) charm and vain beauty (is), a woman who fears Jehovah, she shall be praised. Give to her from the fruit of her hands; and let praise her in the gates her works.

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Proverbs 30

[2] Surely (more) brutish I (am) than any man and not the understanding of a man is to me. And not I have learned wisdom, but the knowledge of holiness do I now.

The words of Agur the Jakeh son of the burden. Spoke the warrior to Itheil, (even) to Itheil and Ucal; Surely (more) brutish I (am) than any man and not the understanding of a man (is) to me And not I have learned wisdom, but the knowledge of holiness do I know. Who has gone up (to) Heaven and return? who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in his garment? Who made rise all the ends of the earth? What (is) His name? And what (is) name His Sons? Surely you know every word of God is tested; a shield He (is) to seekers refuge in Him. not Do add to His words, lest He reprove you, and you be found a liar. Two things I have asked from you; not do hold back from me before I die; vanity and the word of a lie remove far from me; poverty and riches not do give to my; tear for me bread of my portion; lest I become full, and deceive, and say, who is Jehovah? Or lest I become poor and steal, and violate the name of my God. not Do slander a servant to his master, lest he curse you, and you be held guilty. A generation its father curses, and its mother not does bless; generation pure in its own eyes! and from its filth not is washed A generation O how lofty (are) its eyes! and its eyelids are lifted up, A generation swords ( are its teeth, and knives its jaw teeth, to devour the poor from the earth, and the needy from among men, To the leech (are) two daughters (crying) Give! Give! Three (things) they (are) not satisfied; four not have said Enough! Sheol and the barren womb; the earth not filled (with) water; and the fire, not has said, Enough! The eye that mocks (his) father, and despises to obey (his) mother, shall pick it the ravens of the valley; and shall eat it the sons of the eagle. Three (things) they (are) to wonderful for me, and four not I know the way of; an eagle in the heavens the way of a snake on a rock; the way of a ship in the heart of the sea; and the way of a man with a virgin so (is) the way of a women adulterous; she eats and wipes her mouth and says, not I have done (any) evil. Under three (things) quakes the earth; under four not it is able to bear up under; a servant when he reigns: and a fool when he is filled with food; under a hated one when she is married; and a handmaid when she is heir to her mistress. Four (things) they(are ) little on the earth, but they (are) the wise ones of thoses made wise; the ants (are) a people not strong yet they prepare in summer their food; the rock badgers (are) a people not mighty, yet they make in the rock their houses; a king not is to the locusts yet they go out, in a swarm all of them. The lizard with the hands you can take and it (is) in palaces the king’s. three things They (are) that go well in a march, and four that go well in walking; a lion (is) mighty among beasts, and not he turns away from facing all; one girded in the loins and the goat he; and a king (when his) army (is) with him If you have been foolish in lifting yourself; or if you plot; (lay) hand on (your) mouth! For squeeze milk, out comes  curds; and squeeze the noses out comes blood; and squeeze wrath it brings forth strife.

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Proverbs 28

[28:6] Better (is) the poor who walks in his integrity then the crooked of two ways, even (if) he (is) rich.

flee and none pursuing The wicked; the righteous as a lion are bold. By transgression (in) a land, many rulers it (has); but by a man discerning, who knows, thus it is prolonged. A man poor who oppresses the weak (is) a rain sweeping that (leaves) no food. Forsakers of the law praise the wicked; but keepers of the law strive with them. men Evil not do understand justice. but those seeking Jehovah understand all. Better (is) the poor who walks in his integrity than the crocked of two ways, even (if) he (is) rich. He who keeps the law (is) a son wise, but a friend of gluttons shames his father. He who increases his wealth by interest and by usury for the pitier of the week, gathers it. He who turns aside his ear from hearing the law, even his prayers (is) an abomination. One leading astray the upight in way an evil, into his own pit he shall fall; and the blameless shall inherit good. (Is) wise in his own eyes A man rich; but the weak discerning examines him. When rejoice the righteous, great (is) the glory; but when rise the wicked, will be sought a man. He who hides his sins not will fare well, but one confessing and leaving his pity. Blessed the man dreading (God) always, but the hardener of his heart falls into evil. A lion roaring, and a bear charging (is) a ruler wicked over a people weak. A ruler lacking understanding even adds oppressions. one hating unjust gain prolongs (his) days. A man pressed down with the blood of a soul, to the pit shall flee; do not let them uphold to him He who walks blamelessly shall be saved; but the crooked in his two ways shall fall at once. He who tills his ground shall have plenty of (with) bread but one pursuing vanities shall be sated (with) poverty A man faithful shall be full of blessings but one rushing to be rich not shall be acquitted. To regard faces not (is) good; and for a piece of bread will transgress a man. hastens after wealth A man (with) an evil eye but not (he) knows that want will come on him He who reproves a man afterward (more) grace finds; then he who flatters (with) the tongue. He who robs his father or his mother, and says, not (it is) a transgression; a partner he (is) to a man who destroys. The broad of soul stirs up strife, but one trusting on Jehovah will be made fat He who trusts in his heart he (is) a fool; but he who walks in wisdom, he shall be delivered. He who gives to the poor has lack; but he who hides his eyes (shall have) many curses. When rise the wicked, hides himself a man; but when they perish, multiply the righteous.