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Proverbs 16

[16:32] Is better one long to anger then the mighty; and he who rules his spirit than one who takes a city.

Proverbs 16

For man are the arrays of the heart, and from Jehovah the answer of the tongue. All the ways of a man (are) pure in his own eyes; but weights the spirits Jehovah. Roll on Jehovah your works and shall be set your thoughts. all has made Jehovah for His purpose, and even the wicked for the day of evil. An abomination to Jehovah (is) everyone proud in heart hand in hand not he will be acquitted. By mercy and truth is covered iniquity; and in the fear of Jehovah (men) turn from evil. When please Jehovah ways a man’s even his enemies He makes at peace with him. Better (is) a little with righteousness than much increase without justice. heart A man’s plans his way, but fixes Jehovah his step. A godly decision (is) on the lips of the king; in judgement not is traitorous his mouth. A scale and balances of justice (are) to Jehovah; His work (is) all the stores of the bag. An abomination for kings to commit wickedness for by righteousness is set the throne. (are) the delight of kings lips Righteous; and he who speaks uprightly is loved. fury A king’s (as is) messengers of death; but a man wise will cover it. In the light of face the King’s (is) life; and his favor (is) like a cloud of the spring rain. To get wisdom, how much better than gold! and to get understanding to be chosen above silver. The highway of the upright (is) to turn from evil; he who keeps his soul watches his way. before destruction Pride (goes) and before stumbling a haughty spirit. Better is lowness spirit of with the poor, than to divide the spoil with the proud. He who acts prudently on a matter shall find good; and he who trusts in Jehovah, blessed is he. The wise in heart shall be called understanding and sweetness of lips increases persuasion. A well of life (is) prudence to its owners, but the instruction of fools (is) folly. The heart of the wise makes prudent his mouth, and on his lips he adds persuasion flowing (with) honey (are) words Pleasant; sweetness to the soul and healing to the bones. There is a way (seeming) upright before a man, but its end (is) the ways of death. The soul who labors labors for himself; for urges on him his mouth. A man worthless digs up evil; and on (it is) his lips like a fire burning. A man of perversities sends out strife; and a slanderer separates friends. A man of violence lures his neighbor, and makes him go in a way not good. He who shuts his eyes to plan perverse things compressing his lips, brings to pass evil. A crown of glory a gray head in the way of righteousness it is found. (is) better One long (to) anger than the mighty; and he who rules is spirit than one who takes a city. into the bosom is cast the log but from Jehovah (is) all the ordering of it.

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