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Proverbs 4

[4:20] My son, to my words listen; to what i say bow your ear; not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the center of your heart… With all diligence keep your heart for out of it (are) the issues of life.

Proverbs 4

Proverbs 4

Hear, sons, teaching a fathers and listen to know understanding. For teaching good I give to you my law, not do forsake. For son I was to my father tender and only (son) before my mother. And he taught me and said to me, may cling my words to your heart; keep my commands and live. Get wisdom, get understanding; and not do forget, and not stretch away from the words of my mouth. Not do forsake her and she will keep you; love her and she will guard you. The first thing (is) wisdom; get wisdom, and with all your getting, get understanding. Exalt her, and she will lift you up; she will honor you when you embrace her. She shall give to your head a wreath of grace; a crown of glory she shall shield you with. 

Hear, my son, and receive my saying; and shall be many to you the years of life. In the way of wisdom I have taught you; I have made you walk in the tracks of uprightness. When you go not shall be narrowed your steps, and if you run not you shall stumble. Take hold on instruction; not do let go; keep her for she (is) your life. On the path of the wicked not do enter, and not do advance in the way of evil ones. Ignore it; not do pass into it; turn aside from upon it and pass on. For not do they sleep if not they have done evil; and is taken away their sleep if not they cause to stumble. For they eat the bread of wickedness, and wine of violence they drink. But the path of the righteous (is) as bright a light going and shining till is established the day. The way of the wicked (is) as darkness; not they do know at what they stumble. My son, to my words listen; to what I say bow your ear; not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the center of your heart; For life they (are) to those who find them and to all his flesh healing. With all diligence keep your heart for out of it (are) the issues of life. Turn away from you the crooked mouth, and devious lips put far from you. Your eyes to the front let look; and yours eyelids let look straight before you. Ponder the track of your feet, and all your ways will be set. Not do turn right or left; turn aside your foot from evil.

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