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Proverbs 2

[2:10 – 12] When enters wisdom into your heart; and knowledge to your soul is pleasing; discretion shall keep you; understanding shall watch over you to deliver you from the way evil; from the man speaking perverse things.

Proverbs 2

Proverbs 2

My son, if you will receive my words, and my commands hide with you, so that you bow to wisdom your ear. you shall extend your ear to understanding; for, understanding you cry, for understanding lifting up your voice; if you seek her as silver, and as hidden treasures you search for her; then you shall know the fear of Jehovah, and the knowledge of God find. 

For Jehovah gives wisdom, from His mouth (are) knowledge and understanding. And He lays up for the upright sound wisdom; (He is) a shield, for those walking in integrity, to guard the paths of judgement; and the way of His saints He guards. 

Then you shall understand righteousness and judgement and honesty, every path good. When enters wisdom into your heart; and knowledge to your soul is pleasing; discretion shall keep you; understanding shall watch over you to deliver you from the way evil; from the man speaking perverse things, the one leaving the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness; rejoicing to do evil; they delight in the perversities of the evil; whose paths (are) crooked, and (are) devious in their tracks 

(These) will deliver you from the woman strange, from the foreigner (by) her words flattering; who forsakes the guide of her youth, and the covenant of her God forgets. 

For leads down to death her house, and to the dead her tracks. All going in to her not return; and not they reach the paths of life. In order that you may walk in the paths of the good, and the paths of the righteous may keep. For the upright shall dwell (in) the land; and the blameless shall remain in it. But the wicked from the earth shall be cut off; and the treacherous shall be rooted up from it.